There was nowhere for this season to go but down after the drama of that fence jump.
Heidi Herbert, Features Writer
Currently obsessed with watching bad tv, having abrasive political opinions, always being right and getting the biggest laugh. She has a husband, 3 kids and a dog. You can probably find an accurate portrayal of her family by Googling “stereotypical white middle class family.” Follow her on Twitter
The Bachelor Finally Jumped the Fence
Colton Underwood finally jumped the f**king fence on The Bachelor
Hometown Heartbreak on The Bachelor
The Bachelor, Colton Underwood, traveled to the hometowns of his final four girlfriends where he told every single one that he’s falling in love with them.
The Bachelor: A Dumping Spree in Denver
The women on The Bachelor are fighting and Colton Underwood dumps 3 out of 7 by the end of the episode. Heaven.
The Bachelor: Five Break-Ups in Vietnam
Ten women remain in Colton’s monastic menagerie as they start a new week of dating in Vietnam on The Bachelor.