Entertainment, news, life… That’s Normal!
Our goal at That’s Normal is to make you laugh, share our excitement about the latest book, tv and movie news, and connect you with like-minded people who love entertainment and life as much as we do.
Do you wish your BFF would deliver the news to you, complete with insider jokes and snarky takes, while challenging you with a new perspective? If that’s the case, welcome to That’s Normal (TN). Here at TN our team of writers, editors, and social media team pride ourselves on writing posts that WE want to read, about the things WE are excited about. So settle in for a laugh or three.
That’s Normal (TN) is an independently owned entertainment, pop culture and lifestyle site. That means we aren’t owned by a large network or a conglomerate pushing their stories. That’s Normal is about you and us 100% of the time.
- That’s Normal was founded in July, 2012.
- That’s Normal has 26,000+ social media followers
- We publish 2-4 podcasts and live broadcasts Monthly
- We host #TNBoozyBookclub and #HangOutlander
- We partner with brands and studios we love to bring you news and products WE love. No agenda.
- We give you REAL reviews of movies, tv, books, beauty, products and more
TN was founded in 2012 by Bekah Sine and Nikki Pierce, hot on the successful heels of their sites: Letters to Twilight and Letters to Rob.
Today, That’s Normal is comprised of a team of 20+ writers, contributors, and editors from around the world. Their hard work and hilarious writing make TN’s world go ‘round and readers coming back for more. We officially closed our doors for new posts in 2019. Everyone was sad. But the archives live on forever!
Thank you for being part of our world!