JoJo is The Bachelorette. She has six boyfriends. JoJo takes all of her boyfriends to the Argentinian countryside to accost horses. Two of her boyfriends look and act nothing like the rest. How many boyfriends does JoJo have at the end of their trip? Four. Four boyfriends.
A Gif Recap of The Bachelorette: Then There Were Eight
JoJo and her remaining 8 suitors continued their South American adventure this week on The Bachelorette when they landed in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gif Recap of The Bachelorette: Invasion of the mini-Chads
You know you’re dying to find out what happened to the Chad Bear on The Bachelorette.
A Gif Recap of The Bachelorette: Let’s Pretend You’re Hitler
This week on The Bachelorette they gifted us with not one but two nights of Chad’s roid rage. It was like your birthday and Christmas rolled up into one compact ball of sinew and pulsating chest veins. That’s four hours of Chad threatening everyone’s physical well-being in between making me fall for Luke and wondering how Jordan puts on those skinny jeans. How has this show not won an Emmy yet?
A Gif Recap of The Bachelorette: Meatheads and Marines
The second episode of JoJo’s season of The Bachelorette aired on Memorial Day which is perfect because 90% of it featured a Marine trying to fight a meathead. When I say meathead I mean it literally, because this particular man stuffed his face with deli meat throughout the entire rose ceremony. God Bless America.