This week on The Bachelorette there was simulated child birth with actor Jason Biggs, a photo shoot with a mini horse, a trip to the ER, and a “tailgate party” without a single tailgate or a sporting event anywhere in sight.
So, You Just Found Outlander on Netflix, What’s Next?
So you found Outlander on Netflix, and now you don’t know what to do with yourself BUT WE DO.
Fandom Is Meant to be Fun!
Once upon a time, a wise fandom participant declared that “fandom is f**kin’ funny!” As the years have gone by, perhaps we have lost sight of this.
My Take: How Game of Thrones Should Have Ended
Don’t worry, Sansa still ends up Queen of the North.
In Vino Veritas: Wine Country on Netflix
Six friends, unlimited wine and a weekend away is a recipe for laughs.