Damn you, Disney. You made us an offer we couldn’t refuse.

Janna Weiner, Contributor
Stay-at-home mom to the world’s cutest two-year-olds. Deeply obsessed with Lord of the Rings, The Office, and traveling as often and as far as possible. Devout online Scrabble player. Amateur historian. Professional reader. Dabbler in writing and Scotch whiskies. Creator of possibly the best PB&J ever. Follow @janna_rpw and watch her twitter account gather dust.
Geek out with An Encyclopedia of Tolkien by David Day
Get ready to geek out, Middle Earth style.
The first Shadow and Bone casting announcement is here!
Who else is fully in love with this cast already?
Read This: The Fate of Imperium series by C.A. Worley
For a limited time you can snag this paranormal romance series for 99 cents!
Adam Driver is Dominating the Fall/Winter Movie Scene
Fans have been #blessed with three different Adam Driver trailers this week.