Season 5 of Vikings is a wrap! Meet the winners, the losers, and the absolute bestest moment of the whole season right here!

Katy Grace, Features Writer
Current Obsessions: Vikings on History. Bearded guys on Instagram. Clive Standen's t-shirt collection. Outlander. Run-on sentences. Sam Heughan beautifully lit and photographed against a slate blue background. Attempting to divine the date of her death using only California license plate numbers. Alt-J. Resisting Scandal. Two week old birthday cake, or whatever it is that’s in that container in the fridge. Follow her on Twitter @katygracesf
Vikings Recap – Baldur
As anyone here at TN can tell you, producing weekly show recaps is a grueling bizness (honestly, Heidi, I don’t know how you keep up that Bachelor gig – kudos!). It can be especially soul-killing when the show you used to love has been suffering a slow, painful march toward death. source Vikings has been […]
Vikings Recap: The Lost Moment
Bjorn shaved his head! Alfred grew a pornstache! Find out what other things happened in the world of Viking’s lewks this week!
Vikings Recap: A New God
This week on Vikings, everything old is new again as history starts to repeat itself, posing the important question: Who wore it better?
Vikings Recap: The Revelation
Hooray! Vikings is back! Katy is sure some really cool stuff happened, but she’s only here to talk about one thing . . . the return of Rollo!