Fans were #blessed with three new trailers this week (plus this Breitling ad campaign. Henley Adam is my favorite Adam). All three movies will arrive by Christmas, and while different thematically, they all look incredibly compelling.
The Report
Adam’s first Oscar-worthy role of 2019 is playing Daniel Jones, a Senate staffer appointed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein to investigate the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program after 9/11.
Based on real events, Daniel Jones spent five years investigating the CIA’s use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (ahem…torture), culminating in a 6,700 page report. The final report is extremely disturbing, and the CIA, White House and, surprising absolutely no one, Republicans fought tooth and nail to keep it from being published.
Movie critics are appropriately impressed. Vanity Fair film critic Richard Lawson called it “a dense and enriching success, a heady reminder of all the terrible shit this country is not only capable of, but actively carries out.” This Paragon review praised Adam’s performance:
Adam Driver could make a phone book crackle like Shakespeare-so imagine what he does with the Senate Intelligence Committee’s 6,000 page report on CIA torture practices following 9/11.
Though the film’s early, bricklaying moments are dangerously dry, The Report reaches the stratosphere of All the President’s Men and Spotlight with Driver’s help. When facts roar out of the actor’s mouth, the investigation intensifies into damnation. It’s riveting, shocking, and downright cathartic.
Righteous Indignation Adam is my favorite Adam, and watching him rip the CIA a new one will be an absolute delight. Plus the rest of the cast appears to be killing it. You can see The Report in theaters November 15th, or wait for it to hit Amazon Prime on November 29th.
Marriage Story
Based on these trailers, I’m anticipating Peak Adam Cuteness, swiftly followed by crushing Peak Adam Heartbreak. The concept seems simple; a once happily married couple gets divorced. Not exactly groundbreaking territory, but Adam and Scarlett Johansson are giving me all the angsty feels just from the trailers. Angry Crying Adam is my favorite Adam will ruin me.
Reviews haven’t come in yet since the film debuts on the film festival circuit later this week, but this interview with director Noah Baumbach gave some insight.
Marriage Story” chronicles the unsettling minutiae of a divorce between two established artists incapable of reconciling their desires to live on opposite sides of the country. (Charlie wants to stay in New York to pursue his projects, while Nicole nabs a TV gig in L.A.) The story extends beyond melodramatic squabbles to map out sprawling legal challenges in riveting detail….Baumbach burrows into this ecosystem, transforming the wrenching process into a cinematic tapestry of taut showdowns, quiet self-reflection, and unexpected dark comedy.
Just give me lots of footage of Adam emoting/being World’s Best Dad and I will give it 5 stars. Marriage Story arrives in theaters November 6th and on Netflix December 6th.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
The above-mentioned movies look excellent and I will definitely see them, but last week’s D23 Expo gave us the greatest gift of all: a Star Wars teaser. There is SO MUCH I could talk about. Carrie Fisher! All the kisses, and what they suggest about Reylo! The SECRETS I’ve read about the significance of the first shot being the binary sunset on Tatooine! Perhaps another time, I have to stay on track.*
HE WALKS LIKE HE INVENTED IT. We don’t even see Adam’s face in this trailer, but the physicality and presence he brings to Kylo Ren is palpable (and really, really hot). He imbues every step, every swing of his lightsaber with ferocious power. He moves like he’s trying to punish the air for getting in his way.
That man can knock me down any day. And I say that in the most feminist way possible.
Lucky D23 attendees actually did get to see his face in exclusive behind the scenes footage, in which Kylo Ren is looking down at his creepy personal talisman, Vader’s helmet. That hair, guys. That hair.
hello don’t tell the mouse but here is a better quality gif of *that footage* of kylo pic.twitter.com/FuNqSfBT8T
— 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢. (@reysbensolos) August 26, 2019
Emo Dark Prince Adam is my favorite Adam. For real this time. I am in no way emotionally prepared to say goodbye to Kylo Ren on December 20th. Adam Driver has made him one of the most magnetic, nuanced and compelling anti-heroes I’ve ever seen. Director JJ Abrams admitted in a recent interview with MTV News that Adam “is mind blowing in this” and that he” can’t wait for us to see what happens” to Kylo Ren. Dear God, let involve kissing.
Academy, just give the man an Oscar. Actually, give him three.
What Adam Driver performance are you most looking forward to?
*Quick postscript because DARK! REY! EXISTS! I didn’t know I needed Dark Rey in my life, but now that she’s here..wow. I am dying to know how this gloriously creepy Sith Barbie™ shows up in the film. Fans of fanfiction author Diasterisms will remember that she wrote Rey with a double bladed saberstaff years ago. And if Twitter is any indication, writers are about to make it rain Dark Rey fanfic. Bless them, they’re doing the Lord’s work.
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