Welcome to the Second Age
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. #LOTRonPrime pic.twitter.com/7TuQh7gRPD
— The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) March 7, 2019
Well it looks like we all just me spent hours fan casting young Aragorn for nothing (Jamie Dornan, if you must know). We’re going back to the Second Age, nerds! How can I tell? On the above map is an island called Numenor, which only comes to play in the Second Age, and *spoiler alert* gets destroyed at the end of that age. This is actually really exciting, because the Second Age (all 3,441 years of it) was chock full of great stories. Sauron building Mordor, Sauron beguiling the Elves into helping him forge the Rings of Power, Sauron beguiling the Numenorians into attacking Valinor. Basically…it’s the Many Adventures of Sauron the Dark Lord. Which brings me to a very important point:
Start mentally preparing for Hot Sauron. Sure, in the movies he’s little more than a flaming eyeball that looks uncomfortably similar to an angry vagina, but before that he…did not look like that thing. As a Maia spirit Sauron could take many forms (werewolf, serpent, vampire…true story), but his human forms were always described as “fair”.

Sauron as depicted in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (source)
Unlike my other beloved villains, Sauron has zero-point-zero redeeming qualities. But he could still be really, really pretty, and I have a weakness for such things. Don’t judge me.
Principle photography starts 2020
Possibly even as early as February, so conceivably the show could be airing by late 2020/early 2021. I can’t wait to return to Middle Earth! Although I also said that about The Hobbit, didn’t I…don’t mess this up, Amazon. Also Amazon can you make this sweet map available for purchase? With Free Two Day shipping, please and thank you.

The crew looks awesome
That’s a lot of talent right there. Academy Award winners, Emmy award winners, plus the guy who wrote THAT Game of Thrones episode:

I just pray LOTR has a better lighting director. (source)
And I will fully admit that I, a grown woman, teared up when I saw that John Howe was attached to the project. Actually, this whole video made me teary. They made a cool video just to announce who was working on a TV show???I’m feeling much better about my beloved Middle Earth being in Amazon’s hands.
There’s also been exactly one (1) actor cast!
Behold! the 1st casting announcement in Amazon’s @LOTRonPrime gives us news of in a NEWLY MINTED character to be portrayed by Australian 🇦🇺 actress #MarkellaKavenagh!
Here’s what we know so far:
A thread by TORn Tuesday host Clifford Broadway @Quickbeam2000
/1 pic.twitter.com/rAjuXjy0K2— TheOneRing.net @ SDCC Sat 6:45pm (@theoneringnet) July 23, 2019
And from the murky realms of hearsay…

The show could reportedly be getting help from…GULP…David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Amazon is hoping D & D will help get the show off the ground. Not that you can really blame them; GoT Season 8 may have been flaming hot garbage but D & D are still the men behind the most popular TV show of all time. Nothing is official yet, as the duo are being courted by Netflix as well. And don’t they have a Star Wars trilogy coming up? Hate them all you want, these guys are laughing all the way to the bank.
According to this interview with Tolkien expert Tom Shippey, season one will have 20 episodes!
The show will *most likely* be filmed in..wait for it…New Zealand. No big surprise there. But there had been rumors that the show would be at least partially filmed in Scotland. Thanks to a little disaster known as Brexit, Scotland is pretty much off the table, for lots of valid reasons. It’s fitting that The Lord of the Rings will be staying where it belongs.

Now fingers crossed they also use Weta.
There’s everything we know about The Lord of the Rings TV show. Stay tuned for more updates as they happen!
Source– Feature Image