I could go into a lot of the gory details on why I am boycotting the NFL, but I’ll spare you all the soapbox and break it down into the three things that grind my gears the most about the NFL: domestic violence, the whole Anthem thing, and of course the ability to hire players who have committed violent crimes but then ostracize players who say things that the NFL doesn’t like. One thought, that always circles my mind when I think about the people who show up to the field, is this: if these are the people they have representing the face of their organization, who the hell are the people working behind the scenes and what have they done?
So, this year, I am skipping the Super Bowl. And, I want to be very very clear about this: I may not be watching this year because of those issues that are bothersome to me, I do NOT judge a single person who will be watching. I really hope to one day return to the NFL and to be able to enjoy a sport that I do really like to watch, until then, I have some other really important things I’d rather do than watch the Super Bowl. (Please note, my list includes things I like doing and things I detest being forced to do.)
I’d Rather:
- Go through all my email addresses and delete the over 10,000 unread messages I have, one-at-a-time.
- Teach my Mom how to “unlike” a Facebook post one. more. time.
- Take a nap.
- Spend all day watching nursery rhyme videos on YouTube (Oh wait, I do that now anyway.)
- Trim my dog’s toenails without any sedation. For her or me.
- Drive around in Washington, DC (if you haven’t had that circle, or wagon wheel, of hell, you’re blessed).
- Be forced next to a “talker” on a flight.
- Teach my son to say “Nana” before my Mother disowns him.
- Unteach my son from saying “Oh shit” before the little old ladies at Wal-Mart keel over from the shock.
- Make the mistake of looking up how to give myself a pedicure at home on YouTube again. Gross.
- Watch Lady Gaga’s half time show again for roughly the 100th time (she was magical).
- Show up to a Super Bowl party and just eat all the snacks before peacing out.
- Teach my parents how to use their Alexa one. more. time.
- Reorganize my husband’s closet. Sober.
- Go for a walk outside (it’s like -10 right now).