VIkings Recap – Full Moon: In which Bjorn and Ubbe keep Ragnar’s piggish-ness alive.
Vikings Recap – The Prisoner
This week on Vikings, Floki’s back in Kattegatt, and he’s werkin’ it! The Saxon’s have taken back York and the Mediterranean is too hot.
Vikings Recap – The Plan
With the departure of Ubbe from Wessex, Ragnar’s sons have fragmented into 3 competing factions that promise to come together in a most spectacular way. This week they hurtle toward conflicts with one another and with outside forces around the globe. But does anyone actually have a plan? Find out in this week’s top 5 […]
TN at Comic-Con Friday The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Vikings and … OUTLANDER
We came, we conquered, we saw the first episode of Outlander Season 3.
Exclusive Interview with Clive Standen of Taken
Clive Standen lets Patricia get in the head of his last character, Bryan Mills of Taken.