We need to make hats a thing again in America. Because baseball caps don’t count.
Royal Wedding Countdown: 7 Other Single Royals Now That Harry is Taken
Sorry ladies, as of Saturday Prince Harry is officially off the marriage market. But don’t worry, there are still some single (and hot!) princes out there.
Royal Wedding Countdown: Throwing the perfect watch party
It’s going to be a delight, and 2018 needs those.
How the Workplace Affects Productivity
Productivity- it’s a hard thing to master at work!
Treat Yo’ Self to a Cleaning Service
Twenty year-old me would ask, “Why should I work another job so I can pay someone to clean my house?” Because, you sweet, opinionated, young thing, I have skills I’ve developed since I was twelve or twenty that make my community better, and paying someone else to mop my floors frees me up to use them. I love my job and don’t love scrubbing and, darn it, that’s ok