Julie Buxbaum’s newest YA novel, Hope and Other Punch Lines has all the quick wit of What to Say Next while tackling issues of death, loss, tragedy and the events of 9/11.
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At That's Normal we talk about the books that we love. That means you're really only going to read positive reviews. That doesn't mean we're not going to talk about books that we only gave a 3 out of 5 {a book that was "okay" and we just "liked"}, but it does mean that most of the time what we recommend are things we actually think you're going to enjoy.
Read our Book Review Policy here, and check out some of our Book Reviews, and Boozy Book Club fun below!
Good Omens Audiobook Is So Worth The Nearly 13 Hours
After finishing up the Good Omens audiobook, a full review is in order, especially before binging the limited series TV show on Amazon!
#TN Reads: Toddler Books!
Even toddlers need summer beach reads, right?
#TNReads Challenge 2019 Check-In
Have you been keeping up with the #TNReads Challenge 2019? Yes? YOU’RE AMAZING! No? There’s still time to catch up! We’ve got tips and tricks for you to make the most of your TBR
Watch This Instead of Dark Phoenix
You could go see Dark Phoenix this weekend, or you could enjoy the Dark Phoenix story from the comfort of your couch.