Back in 2009, I joined Letters to Twilight as TeamSeth, which eventually led me to That’s Normal. But it was my undying love of Doctor Who and TN’s lack of coverage for the show that spawned my decision to start writing for the site. Without TN, I would never have met the wonderful Emily or truly discovered a shameless love for Tom Hiddleston.
Pop Goes the Geek
Pop Goes the Geek won’t just cover Doctor Who (otherwise we’d just call it TARDIScuss!)… we are going to chat all things geeky pop culture and feature special guests as we go. Things like Harry Potter book club, movie breakdowns, and even TV show reactions (oh hai, DC universe!) will be fodder for the channel. We’ll talk all kinds of fandom stuff, including favorite artists and fan fics! So be sure to subscribe now so you’ll get the alerts when we post our first videos.
In fact, last Friday Emily sent me a link to the new fan movie for Harry Potter, called Sisters of House Black. This is a perfect example of something we’d cover. It’s fanmade, but great quality, and written and directed by (an apparently) major YouTuber in Yorkshire, Kelsey Ellison. It follows the story of the Black sisters, and how their family ties fell apart with the rise of Voldemort. It’s under forty minutes, making it a short film, but it definitely feels way too short. Its non-linear storytelling almost demands a re-watch to fully experience the film. I highly recommend it, though bring some tissues. The music box part is just… heartbreaking.

Lorena and Emily cosplaying Amy Pond and Peggy Carter.
Lorena Gay, Published Author
Pop Goes the Geek may be video-based, but my writing career is about to switch from rolling along to full steam ahead. For the past year, I’ve been publishing a novel length Wizarding World fan fiction about the untold story of the 1792 Triwizard Tournament that wraps this month. It’s called The Slytherin Heart and you can read it on or Archive of Our Own. All my other fan fictions are accessible through my profile on those sites. I write mainly for Harry Potter/Wizarding World and Marvel, with one Gotham By Gaslight AU thrown in for good measure.
The main goal in writing The Slytherin Heart was to see how long it took me to write a full length novel with my current job and life situation. Turns out it is just over two years. So, now I know what to budget for my next original novel! That’s right, I said next. My first novel came out in 2013 and I plan to republish it in 2020.
So, follow my author page on Facebook and you’ll be the first to see when I launch new projects! I’m also on Goodreads as an author, so find me there as well.
Be Happy
While I will miss TN dearly, it brought me such wonderful new friends and excellent experiences I’ll always carry with me. I met Tom Hiddleston (twice!), ventured into cosplay, interviewed the cast of Agents of SHIELD and Jeph Loeb, discovered fellow Lokane lover Jamie Whitebread of the T Hiddy Committee, and even had a commentor remind me that I’m not into celebrity gossip when I was feeling weird about Tom’s life choices (thanks Bea! I haven’t forgotten that comment some 3 years later).
The Twelfth Doctor sums it up best when he says:
Things end. That’s all. Everything ends and it’s always sad. But everything begins, too. And that’s always happy. Be happy.
Thank you to everyone who has ever read my work here, I appreciate it truly and deeply. And keep sending me random updates about Tom Hiddleston and James D’Arcy… like seriously, keep sending me these.