The Mandalorian
I’m a relatively new Star Wars fan (the sequel trilogy is my jam, I think it’s really good and I don’t care who knows it). I’m slowly starting to explore further into Star Wars Universe, but honestly I could care less about aliens and space battles and knowing the difference between Dreadnaughts and Star Destroyers. But I do love a good story, so I’m hoping The Mandalorian isn’t just flashy CGI, obscure SW references, and no substance. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like that will be the case.
Recently journalists were able to preview footage, and the consensus was overwhelmingly positive.
Saw almost 30 minutes of #TheMandalorian footage this morning. It’s truly incredible. It looks like the films, feels innately Star Wars, introduces new concepts, and adds layers that people have been waiting to see for a long time.
— Mansoor Mithaiwala (@MansoorAYM) October 19, 2019
The first episode of The Mandalorian will be available when Disney+ debuts on November 12th, with new episodes releasing weekly.
National Geographic Documentaries
Disney owns National Geographic too?? Damn. Nothing is sacred. But at least that gives us access to really good documentaries. I’m talking Kingdom of the White Wolf (I’ve had a thing for wolves since 5th Grade), Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great, Running Wild with Bear Grylls. Or there’s space documentaries like Mission to the Sun and Mars: Inside SpaceX. I just can’t even wait to learn more about the riddles of the Stone Age giants and what it’s like to live through an Alaskan winter.

In my yoga pants, from the comfort of my couch (source)
Classic Disney, Pixar, and other obscure movies from my childhood
I have young children, so obviously I’m pretty excited to introduce them to the beloved movies of my own childhood (without forking over $$$ for each and every blu-ray). Forget Frozen, Tangled, and Toy Story; it’s time my kids experienced the true Disney joys of exclusively motherless main characters and nightmares featuring Maleficent.
While scrolling through the ponderous Disney+ content thread, I was also pleasantly reminded of the more obscure titles I had watched as a kid. Everyone has seen Peter Pan, but did you also fall in love with the homeless, motherless kitten in Oliver and Company? Or learn about Paul Bunyan and develop your first crush on Patrick Swayze in Tall Tale? Operation Dumbo Drop has 31% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but 8 year old Janna watched it repeatedly. Get ready to live, my kids! Your TV time is about to go through the roof! Along with our data usage.
Currently all we know about this show is *checks notes* it’s called Loki. And that’s its logo is the literal worst.
honestly idk what yall are on about, the new loki logo looks so fuckin good
— alex’s hat (@diorchems) July 21, 2019
Thankfully our favorite T Hiddy and his tricksy Asgardian alter ego will most likely be damn delightful, and make us forget.