All he wants to be is a dentist!
But what I love most about the Christmas season is finding that perfect gift for those I love and basking in the glow of ultimate success knowing they’re not going to awkwardly ask me for a gift receipt. And for me and my present giving endeavors, the Meryl Streep of winning gifts is DPM Frangrance’s Capri Blue candle collection.
I first discovered these candles when shopping at heaven, aka Anthropologie, years ago. I still credit the scent of a dozen burning Capri Blue candles for tempting me into that store. (Okay, it may also have been the amazing window displays.) Since then, I have made it my life mission to fill my home with the fresh floral bouquet of Aloha Orchid or the citrus groves of Volcano.
Oh, this? Just something I had around my house. No biggie.
But what is even better about buying one or even two – fine, three – of these candles for yourself in the process, is buying them for others.
With over 20 scents and multiple styles, finding that perfect candle for the people in your life will be a piece of fruit cake. The candles burn clean (little soot), have long burn times (depending on the style), and fill your house with a fragrance that will make everyone think you have the most amazing body odor in the world. What’s even better is that the scent lasts long after the candle’s been extinguished.
And what to do when the candle is done? The glass can be repurposed for adorable storage containers (So long, red Solo cup holding my makeup brushes), vases, or – for the crafty Pinteresters that actually go beyond just pinning ideas – luminaries for other candles.
A multipurpose gift? That’s definitely a gift that doesn’t suck!
Here are a few of my favs:
Signature Large Jar Aloha Orchid
I call this one the mothership. It’s the one that ignited (pun!) my love for this brand and possibly my unyielding devotion to Anthropologie.
Signature Large Jar (White) Volcano
Two words: Candle crack.
Mercury Found Glass with Lid Velvet Moss and Jasmine
This is what I think the meadow scene in Twilight smelled like.
Too bad, Edward, you can’t get near a flame. You’re missing out.
Muse Collection Blue Jean
Capri Blue, please make clothing detergent. This is what I want all my jeans to smell like. Also, the glass alone makes you want to leave this candle burning forever so you could use it for some fresh cut flowers. (Don’t do that. Seriously.)
Muse Collection Tumbler Volcano
For those on a tight budget (or for those who spent a majority of your gift buying budget on yourself – I plead the fifth), this is perfect as a hostess/host gift or for those candle virgins. Be gentle.
Burn, baby, burn!
Find Capri Blue candles and DPM Fragrance’s other fabulous brands here!