If you like robots that are not Transformers, love stories that are sound like they should be told by Edward Cullen but are not, or female characters that are fantastic, there’s plenty to see in the next few months.
The Crown Spin-Offs I Need
Until we get Season 3 of The Crown, we have some spin-off ideas to offer Netflix.
Want to Feel Old? The 90s Austen Men Are Playing Grandpas in The Crown
Sure, we’ve all heard that there are only so many actors in Britain, but do we have to see ALL our Austen hotties playing old men in The Crown?
All Hail the Female Relationships in “The Crown” Season 2
Queen Liz and the ladies were the highlight of this season.
Oh yeah, I meant to recap The Crown Episode 4: Act of God
Sunday night, The Crown won a Golden Globe for Best Drama, and to celebrate, here is a recap of episode 4, two months late.