Emily stopped by Artist Alley at Wondercon and found some amazing artists you must know about!
EMERGENCY {{TOBIASED}} Post: Guess who’s the new Prince Phillip???
STOP what you are doing because we have a Tobiased emergency: Tobias Menzies is the new Prince Phillip in The Crown!!!
Breaking Down Outlander For Your Consideration Emmys Panel
Outlander wants you to consider them for the Emmys this year. No, not you, not you … YOU.
Defending Sophie: How I’m Spending Droughtlander
Leanne wants you to give Sophie Skelton a chance to prove herself as Brianna, seriously.
Starz Gives Us a Glimpse of Season Four Outlander
The Starz PR Machine ramps it up, dials it back and destroys it with fire – all for one clip of season four of Outlander.