You think you know an actor, and then he bowls you over in a role you didn’t expect to love. Tell me everything Matthew Goode.
Listen to This: Dreamboy (from Night Vale Presents)
This might be the first time in the history of the US that anyone will want to spend time in Ohio: Dreamboy builds on juxtaposition. It’s an atmospheric epic that somehow manages to feel contained and familiar but never predictable.
Sex Education on Netflix is Horny, Hilarious, and Heartfelt
Asa Butterfield charms as a teen with a plethora of knowledge and zero experience.
Top Ten Moments from Outlander Episode 412: Providence
Alright lads, now let’s get in formation. It’s time to discuss Outlander 412: Providence aka a lot of long monologues, and a jailbreak
Vikings Recap – Baldur
As anyone here at TN can tell you, producing weekly show recaps is a grueling bizness (honestly, Heidi, I don’t know how you keep up that Bachelor gig – kudos!). It can be especially soul-killing when the show you used to love has been suffering a slow, painful march toward death. source Vikings has been […]