Emily stopped by Artist Alley at Wondercon and found some amazing artists you must know about!
My Experience as a First Time Cosplayer
The difference between costume and cosplay finally clicked into place for me. I think it was because before then I’d never found a character I wanted to be (other than the Doctor, but more on that later), then I discovered Supergirl. And finally, I knew what I had to cosplay.
What’s your Con? Part 2
We asked this question once before, but it’s time to ask it again: What’s your Con?
Fun Times and FOMO Moments from FanExpo
She went. She saw. There were funtimes. There were FOMO moments. Patricia went to FanExpo in Toronto and thinks you should too.
Graphic Novels Are For Kids!
Ruby, age 8, explains why the graphic novel for kids is the hottest genre in books.