Emily reviews King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard!
From Book Reviews to Author Interviews to live Boozy Book Club Hangouts, we are crazy about books!
At That's Normal we talk about the books that we love. That means you're really only going to read positive reviews. That doesn't mean we're not going to talk about books that we only gave a 3 out of 5 {a book that was "okay" and we just "liked"}, but it does mean that most of the time what we recommend are things we actually think you're going to enjoy.
Read our Book Review Policy here, and check out some of our Book Reviews, and Boozy Book Club fun below!
Persuasion on Screen: Half Agony, Half Nope
You love Jane Austen’s Persuasion right? Then there is only one answer to this debate.
The Totally Normal Podcast 44- In the Waterweeds Episode 7
Our last Episode of In the Waterweeds is HERE!
#TNReads: Real Quick Reviews for Lazy Readers featuring Kylie Scott and Taylor Jenkins Reid
We love books – so much that we don’t want you to waste your time reading reviews. Just find out real quick if it’s worth your time to read the book! #TNReads
From the archives: A look at the face of Beautiful Bastard
We explore the age old question: What does the Beautiful Bastard look like?