Julie’s looking ahead at what’s going to be in her bookshelves.
From Book Reviews to Author Interviews to live Boozy Book Club Hangouts, we are crazy about books!
At That's Normal we talk about the books that we love. That means you're really only going to read positive reviews. That doesn't mean we're not going to talk about books that we only gave a 3 out of 5 {a book that was "okay" and we just "liked"}, but it does mean that most of the time what we recommend are things we actually think you're going to enjoy.
Read our Book Review Policy here, and check out some of our Book Reviews, and Boozy Book Club fun below!
Things to Do Before You’re 30 Part 2: Review By a 20-Something
Emily L read Things to Do Before You’re 30 and wants to share her 20-something thoughts on it! What a millennial…
Judge This Book by Its Cover: Emergency Contact by Mary HK Choi
Emergency Contact has one of the best covers I’ve seen on a young adult novel, so good it’s PROLOGUE.
Things To Do Before You’re 30 Review: Part 1 Reviewed by Someone Over 40
Emily tackles a new book Things to Do Before You’re 30 from the perspective of someone who has already been through her thirties!
Read This: My Wandering Uterus – Tales of Traveling while Female
An antiquated diagnosis + strong women + creativity = stories to enlighten and awaken your wanderlust.