It’s time to take your shoulder padded sweater and acid wash jeans out of hiding: we’re talking about The Goldbergs.
Julie Perino, Features Writer
Julie’s Current Obsessions: Sangria. Anything Outlander. Reading great books more than once. Jimmy Fallon. J Crew Factory deals. Red Lipstick. The Civil Wars (R.I.P.). Atticus Finch. Taylor Swift’s 1989. Anthropologie. Dancing and not caring who sees. Instagram photo filters. Target’s Mossimo skinny jeans. Attempting French. Men’s forearms (don’t ask). Not getting over How I Met Your Mother’s series finale. The Twilight Soundtracks (yep, all of them). Audrey Hepburn. Find her on Twitter @julep0405
Flashback Friday Music
Julie rediscovers some of the CDs she spent a majority of her minimum wage paycheck on, and it was worth each penny.
30 Thoughts I Had During “Deadpool – No Good Deed”
Ryan Reynolds in a telephone booth…naked. It must be Deadpool’s new teaser.
Porn for English Teachers: “Time After Time” and “Will”
Television shows based on famous authors? Welcome to an English teacher’s dream come true.
Alternative Facts: #outlanderseason3 Gate
No Outlander until September? We demand and came up with our own answers.