“I can’t believe you’ve NEVER seen *insert incredibly well known piece of media here*”

Jamie Whitebread, Editorial Team
Jamie W's Current Obsessions: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The beach. Tom Hiddleston and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Buying new books without reading the ones she already has. Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. Trying to buy more than just sweatpants when she goes shopping. Follow her on Twitter @jamiewhitebread
Simone Biles Laughed in Gravity’s Face This Weekend
The laws of physics don’t even know what to do…
A Comforting Autumnal Post For Those Of Us Who Hate Summer
Summer sucks. #TeamFall
The Marvel Comic Con Panel Sparked So Much Joy
The slate of upcoming Marvel projects are truly a blessing.
The Mulan Trailer Makes Me Wish It Was Coming Out Tomorrow
If you didn’t at least tear up, get out of here.