Taron Egerton is Welsh
On this YouTube journey, I learned that Taron Egerton, while also being adorable and charming, is Welsh. He is from the world’s most ridiculous named town. I swear, this is the actual name.
Oh what? You want to know how to pronounce this? Don’t worry, Taron can help you there.
Guys. I am OBSESSED. I’m right there with this YouTube commenter.
I thought Sam Heughan speaking Gaelic was hot, but he has NOTHING on Taron Egarton speaking Welsh. I can’t help myself. I am so far down this YouTube hole that my Recently Watched is nothing but Welsh. So, if you would like to join me in this weird fixation, here are some videos to peruse.
Welsh slang = contradictions in the same phrase.
Gotta give him props for being a good sport!
This is my favorite. Like, I want it as my ringtone.