I caught up on episodes 408 and 409 on New Year’s Eve because I had zero desire to go out amongst the reveling throngs, and I had cold champagne at home. And nothing says HAPPY NEW YEAR like watching the 1780s version of Jodie Foster’s The Accused. Oof, that was rough. Sophie Skelton’s shaking limbs devastated me, a good reminder that we were closing out a year in which men were trash.
Episode 410 was good, and I could have made a list that was nothing but Sam Heughan rocking every moment he was on screen. He was verra, verra Jamie Fraser. When he called Wee Ian an “eejit,” I made it my ringtone.
Top Ten Moments from Outlander Episode 410
The Still in the Opening
I felt like this was a nod to all us gals who live for #ridgeshit, and it spoke to my redneck heart as my Uncle Clayton used to have moonshine still. Peach was his fermenting fruit of choice. Those 5 seconds were a good reminder that booze is simply chemistry… chemistry that will f*ck you up!
I would love a future episode in which it’s just Jamie teaching Marsali how to distill whiskey from rooter to tooter. Wheat! Mash! Cooking! Barrels! Waiting! Tasting! More tasting! Willow bark after all the tasting!
Jamie Fraser, ASCW, LISCW
Brianna is struggling, feeling ashamed and guilty, blaming herself for Stephen Bonnet raping her. “I should have done this.” “I shouldn’t have done that.” “I shouldn’t have gone in there.” “I should have fought harder.”
Jamie takes on the role of cognitive behavioral therapist. Using his own physical power, Jamie proves to Brianna that she could not have stopped what happened to her. Dress, strength, and location have nothing to do with being raped. The only way to prevent rape is for men not to rape.
Worst Road Trip Ever
Why would the Mohawk buy these men and then run them into the ground? Seems like a bad way to treat your investment. Couldn’t they alternate on horseback to get to New York faster? I get their needing to be slow moving for plot purposes, but it makes little sense based on what Ian tells us about the Mohawk. Maybe this is the Mohawk’s Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk?
Claire Opens America’s First Planned Parenthood
I love Claire in this moment with Brianna, offering her an abortion with medical truth, with compassion and without judgment. She refers to the fetus as a fetus. She offers choice–informed choice including the risks—, and she reminds Brianna that when it comes to pregnancy, time is of the essence.
What Season Is This
Nitpicking complaint time! Everyone is wrapped in their knitwear and furs, and yet Claire’s garden is pretty lush. I have a black thumb but I know enough to google and see that Fraser’s Ridge, NC, is in USDA zone 7, the same as mine in coastal Rhode Island. When my garden is green and growing, I am not wearing my North Face coat.
When Brianna finally realizes what has really happened to Roger and goes into the house to confront Jamie and Ian at the breakfast table, I wanted to be Murtagh. “I think I’ll, uh, wait outside.” Byeeeeeeeee!
I was holding my breath the entire scene, as everyone put it together that Jamie and Wee Ian beat up and sold the wrong dude. It played perfectly, with dread and anger and sorrow and oh shit. Claire says, “Jamie, what have you done?” and Ian slowly slides back into the chair. Everyone is justified in their feelings, except Lizzie who sucks. Briana is pissed. Jamie is confused and horrified. Claire is empathetic and mad at Jamie’s lack of honesty. Then Brianna goes telenovella, slapping the shit out of everyone.
Sam is a master of going through a range of emotions in short order. His is the glass face. Briana calls him a “savage” and she ain’t wrong. Jamie knows killing doesn’t help you heal, until it does. Killing Bonnet will avenge his daughter and also assuage the guilt he is feeling for this terrible version of “who’s on first.”
Anthropologie on the Ridge
Between the raccoon neck wraps, chunky knits, and patchwork shirt dresses, the S4 design needs a collaboration with Anthropologie. Outlander x Anthropologie, including items for the home decor. Is that a lavender/thistle/yarrow chandelier? Take my money.
Roger the Pirate
All it took was a whole season to get the hot Roger as advertised in the books. Dirty, guyliner, pirate Roger.
This Is Hell
Am I an asshole for kind of wishing we got a Roger voice-over here? “Welcome to hell. Rhododendron hell, a dense growth that is almost impenetrable and impossible to escape. Who would have guessed Hell would be my salvation?”
Of course, Roger doesn’t really enter and crawl around in the hell to escape the Mohawk, assuming that would have been a nightmare to film. But it gives him enough cover to outwit the Mohawk and make good on his promise to escape.
Bees?!! FFS
I legit thought, BEES? What more can they throw at poor Roger! Nothing like dying of anaphylaxis after you have survived time travel, a murderous pirate, Jamie Fraser’s fists, and a Mohawk death march.
When it’s revealed the noise is a not a nest but instead a standing stone, I was like, “Of course! Now Roger, RUNNNNNNNNN!” Roger is conflicted while I am screaming “YOU IN DANGER GIRL!” He pulls out the gems he’s been hiding in his capri pants and tries to decide what to do. Should I stay or should I go now? Those garnets have not been giving Roger abundance, as garnets are supposed to do. Put your hands on that stone and leap. Leap back to your own time and gets some new britches! Fiona will buy them for you.
One final comment. I have no idea what the title of this episode is supposed to mean. Deep heart’s core? Okayyyyy. They should have called it “Three’s Company,” a show in which there was always a dumb misunderstanding which leads to trouble.
Join us for MEGA HangOutlander TOMORROW, in which we’ll discuss ALL THREE EPISODES (bring some coffee)!
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