Limitless gives us Leah Tinari‘s portraits of and quotes from “24 Remarkable American Women of Vision, Grit and Guts.” I’m a big believer in short biographies of women we probably missed in history class, and this volume feels like a less text heavy, rock n’ roll version of Chelsea Clinton’s She Persisted, a favorite around our house. The illustrations make me want to buy a second copy to cut up and frame. My kiddos were intrigued by the art and can’t wait to do some research to learn more about the ladies they hadn’t encountered before.
As Levar Burton would say, though, “Don’t take my word for it.” My girl wants to tell you why it’s awesome and share the “totally fake” portrait in Tinari’s style she was inspired to make (she set out to draw her mama, but when she decided it didn’t look like me, she gave the portrait an imaginary biography).
“I like the book Limitless because it has lots of interesting girls in it like Shirley Chisholm and Ray Eames. It also has interesting facts about them and things they said. Did you know that Henry David Thoreau took Louisa May Alcott on walks? Who knew!
“This book is different in its looks. It is very bright and jumbled. It would be a good present for a girl you know. It might inspire her to learn more about these women. It did for me! Also, it will teach her that girls can do things as well as or even better than boys can.”
Grab a copy for a girl in your life or to inspire yourself! And maybe a second for framing.