Cordelia’s Offer, A Bad Trip, and Wednesday Pot-Luck dinners with Satanists
We open on Michael surveying the burnt remains of Ariel, Baldwin, and Ms. Mead. Last week when we saw the Coven and John Henry burning those three at the stake, my very first thought was: oh shit, Michael is going to be so pissed. I’m no expert, but I feel like the best way to get on the son of Satan’s bad side is to murder the only mother figure to truly love him and his support system.
So, when Cordelia showed up as Michael was losing his cheese, I thought, girl you better be prepared to be attacked. But, instead, Cordelia spoke to Michael and offered him a second chance to turn his back on his future and not be responsible for the apocalypse. When Michael said his Dad wouldn’t allow it, Cordelia pointed out that Michael’s dad was nowhere to be seen. This scene sowed the seed of doubt that Michael battled for the entire episode. Has his father abandoned him?
Like any kid that ages a decade overnight, Michael goes off into the woods and throws a massive hissy fit. He states that he isn’t leaving the pentagram he draws in the ground until he hears from his Dad. “You tell me what to do or you let me die here.”
Four days goes by and Michael starts hallucinating and after possibly murdering a goat Michael goes on a walk-about. He ends up at a Satanist Church in LA. Sandra Bernhard appears as Hannah the leader of the church, a lady who is pleading with her congregation to be more evil. Michael sits down and looks so sad and broken. Michael is questioning everything and that’s when he meets, Madelyn (Harriet Sansom Harris), a true believer who sold her soul to the devil in exchange for cable (I hear ya on that one Madelyn), non-stop heroin binges, a lazy boy recliner, Brad Pitt on Wednesday nights and Ryan Reynolds on Friday nights.
Cordelia’s mission to make Michael feel utterly alone and defeated kind of blew up in her face in this episode. By pushing Michael to his brink, she actually forced Michael to go out and “find his people.”
While eating the Wednesday pot-luck dinner with Madelyn, Michael talks about Ms. Mead and how much he needs her but how she’s dead and he can’t bring her back (because Cordelia put a spell on her soul making it impossible for Michael to bring her back to life). So, Madelyn takes Michael to meet some people who can bring Ms. Mead back. As a robot.
Jeff and Mutt
Mutt (Billy Eichner) and Jeff (Evan Peters) are the two geniues who sold their souls to Satan for a wildly successful robotics company, the ability to snort as much cocaine as they want without dying, and they get Ryan Reynolds on Thursday nights.
Besides their ridiculous haircuts, the best part of them is their assistant, Venable. Venable wearing purple because it’s her “thing”. Is this the start of the cooperative? I think so.
Mutt and Jeff get first-hand proof that Michael is the Anti-Christ.
They make Robo-Mead. This is actually, kind of funny, because it’s Mutt that decides to make Mead a former Mossad agent, which makes so much more sense.
This season of AHS is shaping up to be a weird one. We have two more episodes. Two episodes to end the world and then hopefully bring us back from it. Please don’t do us dirty Ryan Murphy. Please don’t make this a season that will go into next season. I don’t want to wait a year for the end of the world.