The reason? We just did our first dry run for GOTV weekend, and despite brand-new location challenges, our largest crowds yet, and rolling out surprise new technology first-thing Saturday morning, we still talked to thousands of voters over the weekend!!!
Apropos of the amazing work happening in our field office, the week’s topic is:
Women Running Campaigns
Take a look around our office, and you will notice that just about errrrryone is a woman. Our campaign manager, field director, GOTV director, all but one of the field organizers, and half the finance department are all women, and they are a-mah-zing! Before getting this job, I gave virtually zero thought to what it takes to organize, train, and mobilize all the volunteers who are working in the trenches, but from the flip side the logistical gymnastics, creative catastrophe avoidance, constant community chatting, and maniacal positivity are a natural fit for our multi-tasking, socially-connected selves.
As with all things patriarchal, woman are not equally represented in the back-of-house campaign field – even on Hillary’s campaign women only represented 35% of staff. In order to fix this mess we don’t just need women to run for campaigns, we need women to run campaigns that speak to and mobilize women. If you are interested in learning more, here’s a good article about some of the women who are breaking into the field, the challenges they face, and how they are slaying!
Campaign Update
On the campaign front, mail-in ballots are starting to drop all over the country this week, so the upcoming canvassing and phone banking push will include pressing VBM (vote by mail) voters to get their ballots in the mail ASAP! It’s an exciting time in the campaign because our efforts will become really real as ballots start rolling in, and it’s a time when you can be the person who makes a literal vote happen
We are at less than 20 days, folks –