Happy Oct-ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
In personal news, I hit the ground last week as a field organizer for a swing district congressional campaign, and I’m planning send out real quick (RQ) weekly posts to update you on what’s happening on the campaign timeline, and how you can make the most of your GOTV volunteering.
This week’s topic:
Canvass Canvass Canvass
The news this week has been absolutely fucking horrifying for anyone who has even a shred of decency left in their battered bone bags. Unfortunately, congressional bone bags have ZERO shreds of decency left, so our only recourse is to vote.every.last.one.out. Ezra Levin put together this handy step-by-step guide on how to do that:
I know most of you are still like “it’s scary! I’ll let someone who isn’t scared do it, and I’ll do something else!” But here’s the thing: everyone thinks it’s scary. Everyone. EVERYONE. I barely slept before the first time I did it. I have no problem presenting in front of groups of people, but talking one-on-one is my own personal hell. But I went with my friend, and it was kind of fun. Then I signed up for a bus trip canvass so I wouldn’t chicken out, and that was a little more fun. By the third time out, I was like:
Now I go out 2-4 times a week, and really enjoy introducing folks to the candidate, or giving high fives to people who commit to vote Dem, and mentally throat punching people who won’t vote for your candidate because of “the Kavanaugh hit job.” Then you get to go back and brag about your high fives and gossip about the dumbasses (seriously, there aren’t many) with your fellow canvassers and it feels SO GOOD!
BONUS: You can’t spend time on twitter while you canvass, so you miss a few hours of insanity and it is glorious!
So check out Swing Left, Indivisible, Vote Save America, or go to your fave candidate’s website to sign up. They will train you, give you a script, and usually give you snacks – it’s so easy!

Do it for Leslie!!
TN Tracker update
In my last post I pretty arbitrarily guessed that the TN universe could contribute 600 hours to GOTV this election, so let’s see if I’m right! Each week, all y’all please note in the comments how many hours of canvassing, phone banking, postcard writing or friend nagging* you’ve done so we can graphify the awesome power that is TN in Akshun™.

* Results may vary
Here’s our total to date (drum roll please):
WE ARE A LITTLE BEHIND! But that’s okay, because I know there are folks who have volunteered but haven’t added their hours in the comments, or dm’d me *stares pointedly at you*. Do it now!
In conclusion: There are 33 days until midterm elections. We cannot win without millions taking a big step outside their comfort zones and pitching in. You are the hero we’ve been waiting for!
Go forth and Getteth Thee Out the Vote!
Questions? Read TN’s Guide to Getting Out the Vote here!
*One friend nag = one hour of friend nagging
Did you do your hour of volunteering this week? How many times did it take for you to be “whatevs” about knocking doors? What was you best convo? Who did you want to throat punch? Do you totally understand why old people wear those marshmellow shoes now? I do.