The series centers around the Shaikh family, who is a South Asian family living in Orange County, California trying to keep it all together. The family’s twenty-something kids, Sana and Haaris, serve as our main lenses into this family and world as we follow them on their journeys through starting out in life, careers, and long-term love. Check out the trailer:
What Unfair & Ugly Is About
One episode in, Unfair & Ugly has already delved into crucial themes like depression, anxiety, forbidden love, racism, and why on Earth anyone would name their child Rupert. The characters are so relatable as they struggle to face the burdens and changes involved with becoming adults in our current reality. Seriously though, who names their kid Rupert?
Why You Should Be Watching Unfair & Ugly
As I watched the first episode, I found myself giggling at the clever use of shot composition and editing to really hammer in points. For example, when Sana is in her therapist session, the poster behind her head clearly reads the end of what we must assume to be a positive message, but all we can see is “your life.” As Sana struggles to take control of her own life and life decisions, it had me cracking up hard. There are so many clever touches throughout, I don’t want to spoil them for you! Just watch episode 1… right now, right here!
And if all of that isn’t enough to convince you, the show is written and produced by two women, Yumna Khan and Nida Chowdhry! Plus it’s one of the only scripted shows about Muslim Americans out there.
Season 1 is six episodes long with new episodes airing every Monday and Wednesday through Stranger Magic’s channel.