Thankfully this season had enough action and excitement to see me through until then. It was amazeballs. It was so hard to narrow down my favorite moments, because with the exception of a single episode *cough*beyondthewall*cough* I loved pretty much every moment. But here is what I came up with.
Best Badass lady boss
As I said in my last recap, Game of Thrones is full of epic girl power. Brienne vs. Arya. Olenna Tyrell sticking it to the Lannisters even as she drinks their poison. Every time Daenerys says “Dracarys.” But after the season finale there really is no question-for better or for worse (but definitely for worse), Cersei-effing-Lannister, Queen of Westeros, is the baddest of all badasses. Not since Sleeping Beauty‘s Maleficent has there been a more deliciously and un-apologetically evil lady boss. Lena Headey’s performance has been nothing less than masterful, whether she’s coolly informing Daenarys of her tardiness or playing Tyrion like a miniature fiddle. For one brief, awkward second, you think Cersei might actually have a shred of decency as she promises to send her troops north to fight the White Walkers. But then with one cutting insult (at poor Jaime’s expense), you realize that the sun does indeed still rise in the east and Cersei is, and forever will be, a soulless sociopath. Never change, Cersei. Never change.
Biggest Hero
A big round of applause for the Eastwatch raven, who defied all laws of time and physics to get news of Jon’s impending peril to Daenerys. The band of freezing brothers would be moldering zombie soldiers by now had not that remarkable bird flown 1500 miles in what some would call a physically impossible miraculous amount of time. Truly, a hero for the ages.
Honorable Mention: Ser Davos, for delivering the line that fans have been turning into countless memes for four seasons.
Ickiest Moment
The great question of Season 7 has been “Will-they-or-won’t-they?” I’ve vacillated between wanting Jon and Daenerys to fall madly in love, and secretly hoping that Ser Jorah didn’t come back from grayscale only to watch his dream girl fall for a younger, hotter, more honorable, impeccably bloodlined king. I’ll admit it, I was swooning as Jon Snow nervously knocked on Dany’s door. And then the universe chose that moment to remind me that I also am the aunt of an adult nephew, and the U.S.S. JonandDany4eva sank immediately with all souls on board. It’s back to Team Ser Jorah for me.
I Laughed…
…at the absurdity of the “capture a wight” master plan. What a stupid idea. Viserion didn’t need to die for that crap.
I cried…
…when potential heartthrob Dickon Tarly wouldn’t bend the damn knee. I had high hopes for you, young Tarly.
Honorable Mention: I also cried when it became obvious that we would not be getting an Arya/Jon OR Arya/Gendry reunion. Seeing as my Jon and Dany ship currently lies in pieces on the ocean floor, I’m putting all my hopes on an Arya and Gendry epic romance
I called it…
I squealed when Sansa and Arya’s magnificent deception was revealed and #wintercame for Petyr Baelish. STARK JUSTICE FOR THE WIN. Except Ned Stark did one time always say “The man(woman) who passes the sentence should swing the sword (dagger)”. Next time, Sansa, next time.
Future Predictions
The Game of Thrones world is so vast, with so many characters and so many loose ends to tie up. I literally have no idea where to begin. But I think Parks and Rec is on to something. Source