1. This is a contemporary YA romantic mystery.
No high fantasy here. Although I agree with Emily and her Sara Maas recommendations. Smoking hot fairies must be read.
2. You’ll laugh out loud within the first ten pages.
I did. Of course, now that I’m saying this you’ll probably only snort just to prove me wrong. That’s okay. A snort’s a snort.
3. This is a fantastic summer read.
You’ll ignore the world around you until you hit the last page. Of course, then you’ll be depressed that there isn’t more. But you’ll be happy to learn Julie Buxbaum’s second YA novel What to Say Next releases today. Shew. (Seriously. Although What to Say Next isn’t a sequel.)
About the Book
Two years after the death of her mother, sixteen-year-old Jessie moves to Los Angeles when her father remarries a movie tycoon whom he met online. Enrolled in an elitist prep school, Jesse blunders her way through a disastrous first week before she receives an anonymous email from a guy offering his expertise in navigating the wilds of Wood Valley High School. Unfortunate circumstances being what they are, Jessie decides to trust this anonymous guy who calls himself Somebody/Nobody (SN).
Cleverly written, Tell Me Three Things is a hysterical and heart-wrenching story of loss and new love. You adore Jessie, whose quick wit and internal dialogue endear you to this fish out of water. And as her friendship with SN grows, the mystery surrounding who he could be deepens. Is he the brooding hipster, the jock, the ultra hot musician, the angsty gay stepbrother or the uber-nasty mean girls?
From the first line to the last page, Jessie copes with the loss of her mother. The theme of loss is a personal one for Julie Buxbaum who lost her mother when she was a teenager. The book paints a realistic perspective of dealing with loss without being so heavy your soul drops to the floor. I would definitely recommend this book to any teenager suffering through a loss because it both empathizes and hopefully lightens that burden.
What I love most about this book
1. The three things. As their friendship develops, Jessie and SN often start a conversation with three personal facts. These facts are so clever-funny-cute you look forward to reading them.
2. The ending. I can’t. Because it’s the end and it would be awful for me to reveal but I just absolutely, passionately love the way this book ends. Perfection.
3. The fab stepbrother is probably my favorite character. He’s snarky, bratty and surprising. Buxbaum crafts such believable characters you’ll enjoy love/hating them all.
If you love John Green or Rainbow Rowell then you’ve probably already read this book. Excellent, leave 3 reasons below why you love this book too.
If not, get thee to a bookstore (if only for the smell). Tell Me Three Things is in Hardcover or Paperback and you can also order What to Say Next.
Three things about me:
1. I snore like a bear. My children love it and can sleep through it. I’m sure it reminds them of the womb.
2. I judge a Mexican restaurant on the quality of their tamales.
3. I dance at the grocery store. I can’t help it if they’re playing my jam.
Tell me 3 things about you in the comments.
Written by Brooke
Brooke is a determined writer, mom and Shadowhunter junkie. Her favorite smells are a bookstore and a chocolate croissant (preferably together). A rabid reader, she often falls asleep with a book on her face. You can follow her Middle Grade and Young Adult book recommendations on Instagram @yamgish.