That’s right- we’re looking for new blood to add to our team. Specifically, we’d love to fill the roles of:
Book Team:
We get so many books sent to us by publishers and would love to fill our schedule with even more fun, short book reviews. Thankfully, and maybe because they heard us complain how might one day find our bodies under a mountain of mediocre Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs), the publishers mostly sent us tons of digital copies (or “Galleys”) of books. There are romance. There are YA. There are historical fiction. We pretty much have access to most any book you’re interested in. We love books around here and we know we have introduced people to GREAT authors and beloved stories. We don’t want to stop, that’s why we’re looking to add awesome writers to our book team!
News and Updates:
There are movie trailers that drop weekly, TV show announcements, new posters, celebrity gossip and more news than we handle! We would love to add a writer to the team who creates quick, opinionated takes on news, who is able to publish posts as the news happens. This is a position for someone who loves to stay on top of the latest news and can quickly put together posts for publishing.
TV Recaps:
This is not a job for the faint of heart! Ok, now that we’ve thoroughly scared everyone… a TV recapper is the marathon distance runner of the online writing world… you commit, you buckle up and then hang on till the end of a TV season all the while writing about each episode. If you’re IN LOVE with (or love to hate watch) a show we’re not currently recapping and would like to COMMIT to an upcoming season of TV, please contact us!
General Writers:
We are ALWAYS open to new blood! If you have a passion about a topic we don’t yet cover or cover too infrequently for your liking, we’d love to hear from you!
(This could be you! jk, there’s like 50 of us now!)
Send us an email at admin @ thatsnormal.wpengine.com and include examples of your writing (if you have any, it’s okay if you don’t) and let us know how you’d like to be involved! We’re also looking for writers who can commit to publishing at least one post a week.
We’d like to get to know you (in a 50-100 question timed questionnaire) and see if you’re a fit.
Just kidding. There’s no quiz.