Word gets back to Bryan that Meija is being transferred to the custody of the Mexican government. Interestingly, it is Riley and not his boss, Christina, that relays that news.
ODNI not only loses custody of Meija but they are told to take a back seat because the FBI is taking over command of the transfer. Bryan smells a rat and points out that the Meija’s cartel is probably pulling strings behind all these shenanigans. But did word get out that Meija was being held by Christina? Someone must have spilled the beans.
No one on the team fesses up to having loose lips so Bryan confronts Asha – the only person he let in on his little secret of having a live feed to Meija’s cell. She fires back saying he doesn’t trust her and did he ever think that maybe he was the one that was bugged? The watcher realizes that he had become the watched.
After finding out he was the one that was bugged, Bryan tries to convince Christina that he is certain the cartel is behind the transfer and begs her to call it off. No go. But, Bryan has a plan and puts in play when he confronts Meija.
The old tracker in the prison jumpsuit trick.
Not only is Carlos Meija a super bad dude, he is also a master manipulator. He waxes poetically about revenge, about his son and about Bryan’s sister – enough that Bryan nearly bursts a vein in face in anger. And, as men do, they try to one up each other about whose grief is bigger. Because size always matters.
The lead FBI agent, Marie Salt, confides in Bryan that the cartel have “taken” her husband and are blackmailing her into turning Meija over to them in exchange for her husband’s life. A quick video conference call puts ODNI back in charge with half the team sent off to rescue the husband and the other half assisting the FBI on the exchange.
Finding where the husband is takes some fancy foot work. Vlasik and Scott chase down a person of interest and only catch him when he smashes head first into the movable 6’2″ tall brick wall known as Bryan Mills. Another Mills Skill.
He is pretty much a giant.
This does not go unnoticed by the cartel who move up the exchange timeline in hopes of getting Meija before ODNI can free the hostage. Marie takes no chance in getting her husband back. She takes Meija on her own and tries to execute the exchange.
Bryan and crew free the hostage in the knick of time but not before Meija escapes in the confusing aftermath.
Meanwhile, as we all suspected would happen, Asha’s mysterious neighbor kidnaps her which Meija uses as leverage against Bryan when Bryan catches up with him. More mind games from Meija force Bryan to let him go to save Asha – as long as Meija lives, so will Asha. But Bryan did a get few good licks in before turning Meija loose.
Meija is now in the wind and we have to wait until next week to see if Bryan can rescue Asha, and finally get his hands on Meija for good.
This single tear is a heart shattering Mills skill.