The Space Between Us is the story of a young man named Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield) who is the first human to be born on Mars.
His mother, an astronaut on the first mission to colonize Mars, discovers shortly after they start their journey to the Red Planet that she is pregnant. Due to complications in childbirth, she dies, taking with her the secret of who Gardner’s father is.
When Gardner turns sixteen he begins an online friendship with a street smart girl in Colorado named Tulsa (Britt Robertson) while searching for information about his father online. Gardner grows determined to take the journey to earth to find his father, meet Tulsa and to find where he belongs in the universe.
While on set, we were able to chat with the director and producer of the film. Their enthusiasm for the story was so contagious, especially when talking about how much more realistic Mars travel is becoming every day! Read more about my set visit here.
While The Space Between Us is set in a not too distant future, the themes are not unlike many of the coming of age films we all know and love- themes like first loves, finding yourself, and even how friendships and relationships can heal the wounds of extreme isolation!