And despite the fact that we have been talking about Outlander – the books and the show – for years now, there is one thing we haven’t done as a collective group. We haven’t cracked them open together. Unless you count me drunkenly reading sections of them in Diana’s voice during a Hangoutlander sometime in season one, and let’s pretend that didn’t happen ok?
Lots and lots of pinot noir, mostly source
Let’s Get In the Waterweeds
So here’s the deal. Outlander Season 3 is coming up quickly. It’s based on the third book, often hailed as many of fans’ favorite novel of the entire, lengthy series. It’s emotional. It’s controversial. It’s sexy. It’s a lot of pages. And it’s in the process of being adapted for our television screens, and you know what? We want to re-read it. With YOU.
How we all felt reading Voyager for the first time source
And so … WE ARE READING VOYAGER TOGETHER. That’s right. We are rolling up our sleeves, with a pre-approved SCHEDULE of all things and cracking open that dark green trade paperback to page one, and not just to the Turtle Soup chapter. We are revisiting Voyager together over the next couple of months, and we cannot WAIT to talk about it with all of you!
We are getting deep into the waterweeds of all the mess – the good and the bad and the really really amazing stuff – that happens in Diana Gabaldon’s third Outlander novel.
Jamie getting deep in the waterweeds source
So, join us for our read (or re-read or re-kilt if you’re an Outsplainer) right now, and then our chats starting with Parts I and II (that’s chapters 1 through 6) on January 2nd. Your favorite TN-ers will get together live on YouTube that night to discuss THE BOOKS – and only the books! Then every two weeks, we will tackle another section (or two) of the book! Save the date for Part III on January 16th!
We will answer your questions and talk about what you think is relevant. We will also be pretty irreverent and I doubt any of us will give you history or applied chemistry lesson. In other words, it’s exactly the book discussion you’ve been missing.
As you read, you can talk to us about the book on our Goodreads Group or on twitter with the hashtags #Hangoutlander #InTheWaterweeds or simply #TNReads. We covet your insight!
In the Waterweeds is so easy:
- READ VOYAGER for the first time or the fifth right now.
- JOIN THAT’S NORMAL for a chat about Parts I and II (chapters 1-6) LIVE on January 2nd.
- KEEP READING and joining us every two weeks as we make our way through the sections of the novel
See you on January 2nd for the very first In the Waterweeds chat!