Now I’m not even sure I believe this was a real relationship, so I’m not going to break it down at all, but I did just want to address that it’s now September and the Emmy’s are coming up in 11 days and Tom has gotten his nomination for Night Manager.
Also he won TV Choice awards for Night Manager and made a little acceptance video while looking extremely attractive for pre-sunrise (along with extremely attractive Thor3 costars, Chris Hemsworth and Idris Elba)…
My commentary for this video went a little like: Idris is all, “Maybe i should’ve gotten one for Luther HUH?!” and Chris is like, “What’s this dumb award? lolz” and Tom’s like (inner monologue whilst smiling like a champion), “OMG LATER TODAY MY BREAKUP IS POSTING AND GUYS I NEED TO BE COOL WITH THE TEENY BOPPER LADIES RIGHT NOW PLEASE STOP” and they’re all like, “We just finished our night shoot weeeeeeeeee!” and the seagulls are like, “Good morning!!! #mine #mine #mine” (I saw this video literally first thing yesterday morning, pre-coffee so you get my stream of consciousness)
It’s so clearly early in the morning in that acceptance video, which makes me think of this music video from a year after Tom Hiddleston was born… it just seems so timely (and like the kind of video and song he would LOVE).
Is It Time for Tom Yet?
So, I think I may be starting to shift back into Tom. I’m not sure quite yet though. Jamie W. is also uncertain of her emotions at this point in time. All I know is that two days ago I had just moved from James D’Arcy to Idris Elba in my “guys who I find really incredibly hot at the moment” thought process. And Sept 6 was Idris’ birthday, so… I’m just kind of thinking about him in his button down and delicious smile. Give me some time please.
Updates on 007 Role
Speaking of Idris reminds me that part of the publicity stunt suspicion around Swiddles was the hopeful casting of Tom as 007. We all know that I’m cheering on James D’Arcy (whose film Gernika comes out Sept 9th in Spain… still trying to find it Stateside, but it may only be on DVD. Stay tuned. Also, why is he hot w/his gray scruff? It’s destroying me) and that Aidan Turner, the vampire/Dwarf/Poldark, is a reader favorite.
But rumor has it Daniel Craig has been offered a crapton of money (i.e. only £21m less than Paul Pogba’s transfer fee) to come back in the role for two more films. This apparently went down in May, but is only getting reported by KTLA now (for some reason? Maybe there was another alleged offer to him? /shrugs). We’ll see if he bites. He does not seem interested though in any interviews. So I think the slot is still open for speculation.
Loki In A Suit
Oh yes, I almost forgot about this! For those of you who like men in suits, and Loki in particular in suits… here’s a catch-up on the filming of stuff in Brisbane…
Like, his quads though! Do you remember when he had little chicken legs back in the day? And now he’s all like Tris when she first joins Dauntless and is pulling on a pair of jeans and they won’t go over her quad because she’s put on so much muscle from running all the time. Just OMG. I am not sure how to feel about these quads. He’s like a soccer player.
Thor and Loki Visit a children’s hospital
When the kid Harry is all, “My favorite super hero is Batman.” to Loki, this gave me some flashbacks to Henry Cavill chatting with the kids at Durrell to promote BvS. I imagined Henry’s face as he rolled his eyes and said, “Ok, but can Batman fly?” Le sigh.
Emmy Preparations
While we’re chatting suits, since Emmy’s are coming up, you can prepare yourselves for Tom in a tux with this slideshow I put together:
Best Comment Award
Also, I have to put this in here because it made me giggle so hard… best comment award on one of the articles about the breakup goes to this girl: