Still, as sexy fun as that looks, it definitely needs more naked men, right off the top that’s my first issue with it. Also, ABC needs to get new music; I feel like they use that cut for a ton of show promos. The point is, I can’t get into Conviction just yet (frankly Castle is the only procedural I enjoy, and that got canceled, too!) because I need to grieve the loss of Agent Carter first. With it leaving, my darling James D’Arcy exits my living room, too. And I need that man on my couch like I need oxygen in my blood cells.
Remembering the Good Times
Let’s take a moment to remember all the good times Agent Carter brought us. From the witty dialogue, to the female empowerment, Peggy’s amazing lip color and diabolical female villains, this show was one of the best that has aired this century.
In its short lifespan, they managed to cover a bevy of sociopolitical topics, introduce us to characters we had incredibly strong feelings about–both good and bad, and blur the lines of right and wrong in the face of justice during a time of injustices. Beautifully written, incredibly acted, and fantastically produced, Agent Carter will always remain a shining star burned onto my heart
So Many Memorable Characters
Daniel Sousa
Nice guys have always finished first in Peggy’s book.
Angie Martinelli
The best friend a girl could have. Maybe she’s got a cousin named Maria who will eventually meet Howard…
Dottie Underwood
Russian spy extraordinaire, playfully ruthless. God, she was fabulous and carried into season 2 so seamlessly.
Rose Roberts
This fight-trained, incredible gal can do everything. I imagine she has plenty of faux front office warding off to come for SHIELD once it’s formed.
Dr. Jason Wilkes
The sexy scientist with an incandescent smile who probably has great things ahead of him at Stark Labs.
Mrs. Ana Jarvis
The unflappable wife of Edwin who is so part of the gang, she sews gun holster garters.
Whitney Frost
She’s the best kind of villain because in her worldview, she’s the hero. And in many ways her goals are aligned with Peggy’s. I liked Whitney even more than Dottie, to be honest. Her character’s development and Wynn Everett’s performance floored me.
Edwin Jarvis, My Souffle Boy
It’s hard to express anything right now regarding my fondness for Mr. Edwin Jarvis. From the moment he sewed up Peggy’s leg, I knew he would never leave my heart. Every embrace I want to give this show is given to him. His bumbling fallacies of season 2 leading to the tragic outcome of his dear wife’s health and the admittance of his cowardice could only leave me to love him more. For to admit when we fall short of what is noble and what is right is to truly understand humility and in turn humanity.
Edwin so delicately walks this line of past bravery in bringing his wife with him, away from her certain wartime death, and the sheer stupidity of his youth-like zeal for adventuring with Miss Carter. Ultimately he loses his balance and falls, and not even Peggy can catch him in time. He leaves the viewer wanting to save him and smack him all at once. Luckily, Peggy does that for us time and time again.
But Jarvis is my everything and I will miss him dearly…
The Dialogue, Oh the Dialogue
While Jarvis is fresh my mind, it’s impossible to forget he and Peggy’s chemistry of perfection. The actors’ offscreen friendship fostered their onscreen one, but they both embraced their roles so fully and nailed it with some of the strongest dialogue TV has seen for awhile. My two favorite scenes:
Sousa The Husband Steve Rogers Saved?
The saddest part of unplanned cancellation is never getting the dots connected on certain storylines. Sure we closed season 2 with this excellent kiss, but is this the guy she ends up marrying? And if so, how long do they wait to have children? Because Peggy’s brother died this season and I’m really not sure how she’s going to legit have a niece. But, just enjoy rewatching the scene…
(Possibly the niece-aunt relationship is not blood related, but rather how Uncle Jesse and Uncle Danny weren’t actually uncles on Full House, and the ‘Carter’ name is just coincidence that leads to an even closer bond. Like how General Thaddeus Ross and Everett Ross have no known relation to each other.)
Unanswered Questions Galore 
Seriously though, is Jack Thompson dead? Either way, who shot him? Why did they shoot him? What was blacked out in Peggy’s file? Is this to do with it?
How is SHIELD getting formed? When do Peggy and Howard do that? When do they have a falling out and why? Was it because he started making super soldier serum again? Why would he do that? Did Mr. Jarvis know? How does Peggy cope with Howard’s death? Were they in a fight when it happened? What’s young Tony like? Does Peggy like Maria? Will they figure out how to undo Dottie’s brainwashing in time to save her? If not, when do they solve that so they can save Natasha Romanoff? Who is working with Peggy on that? How does she meet Nick Fury? How does Nick Fury lose his eye, is it with Peggy? Could Peggy and Wilkes have a secret baby and that be Nick Fury? Does Peggy hook back up with the Howling Commandos ever? Since the US government is corrupt, how do they get the funding to form the SHIELD we see in season 1 of Agents of SHIELD? Does Stark back it to begin with or does Peggy turn to the UK government instead? How do the CIA and MI6 formations play into interaction with SSR and SHIELD… is that what eventually pushes it out of the gov’t funding? What else did Stark bring back with him from his trip to Brazil that inspired him to start the Malibu office? Is this the beginning of the new element that Tony finishes in IM2?
Will Mr. Jarvis and Ana adopt a child? COULD THIS BE PEGGY’S NIECE?!!!!
Get it trending, people. I didn’t think I’d be this sad or this hardcore about wanting this show to get saved, but as I wrote this post, turns out I am. Too much shit unanswered, Marvel. You need to bring this to the interwebs and let the Netflixes of the world finish this out for everyone. We will take 6 episode miniseries at a time, which build alongside the rest of your Phase 3 and 4 film releases. Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters, we are here to support you. We know your value, ladies.