** This post is dark and full of SPOILERS. Duh. **
Game of Thrones is back and just like every other season we’re beginning to question where our allegiances as viewers lie. For so many seasons of Game of Thrones we’ve known that Lannister’s are mostly up to no good, that The Red Woman is bad news bears and the Wildlings hate everyone south of the wall. This season’s got us questioning ALL that as the game once again changes and we wonder who is really the enemy. Are all our old enemies becoming the people we’re rooting for now?
Hey, remember when Theon was the worst, betrayed the Starks (who granted raised him a captive in their own home) and pretty much made every wrong decision he was presented with? Well, I guess getting your penis cut off, brainwashed and abused will change a man. Like, TRULY change a man, enough to save Sansa from his torturer and even offer his own life to save her by going back to fuckin’ crazy Ramsey Bolton. And now he’s headed back to the Iron Islands to come to terms with his family and the mess that’s going on back there.
The Lannister’s vs the Faith Militant
We can all agree that the Faith Militant are asshole in disguise. The parade around in homespun clothe and proclaim they are only looking out for what’s best for the realm by calling EVERYONE on their shit, even the queen mother and if anyone knows Cercei you know she is not someone to be trifled with. Bitch has deep pockets and a fucking Mountain. Literally.
After last season’s aptly names walk of shame, the death of innocent Miracella and the sort-of end to Lannister power you kind of feel a bit bad for them. Then you remember they’re assholes who only care for themselves and Cercei still wants to kill Tyrion and you feel a little less bad. But at the end of the day who doesn’t want to see the Faith Militant get what’s coming to them? “Fuck anyone who isn’t us.” YASSSS Jamie. YAS.
The Red Woman
Remember when Melisandre birthed a shadow in a boat in front of Davos that eventually killed Renly Baratheon? And remember when she attempted to round up every person with royal blood so she could sacrifice them to the Lord of Light so Stannis could win and this includes sacrificing Stannis’ own daughter, the freaking cute and so sad Princess Shireen? And remember how all we wanted was for her to get her comeuppance? Well, she got it, lost faith and then decided to harness her Lord of Light chi at Davos’ urging and bring back (WE THINK) Jon Snow. Damnit, now we gotta like Melisandre too!?
The Wildlings
It’s a love/hate relationship with the Wildlings, they’ve killed so many of our favorites, they’ve been killed themselves and now they’re here to save Davos, the non-traitorous men of the Night’s Watch and Jon’s body from that asshole Alliser Thorne who is nothing but a sore loser. Yea, we’re gonna need the Wildlings to defeat the white walkers, so you better start loving them now.
Roose Bolton
Ok, so no one feels that bad for the Bolton’s, especially Roose who is one bastard penis cutting son away from pure evil but when Ramsey stabbed his own father (in the front, not even the back! And in the same way he killed Robb!) and then in turn his step mom and brother who was JUST born, you gotta say “that’s pretty fucked up!” I wouldn’t trust Roose or Ramsey farther than I could throw Walda Frey but when your own son will do you dirty like that, you gotta feel a little bad for deal old dad.
Now when’s Lord Frey gonna get his? Anyone?
Everything is constantly changing from episode to episode. Lines aren’t always clearly defined, black is not always black and white is not always white. The gray areas are what makes Game of Thrones the best TV show on right now (and maybe one of the best ever). By showing us the vast amount of gray area on the show we can not only form alliances and favorites but also see that each character is flawed and has a story that led them to where they are. These characters are dynamic and can be redeemed or damned over the course of a season.
Will we still be rooting for our “enemies” by the end of this, only time will tell.
And because I love you and this makes me laugh so hard:
Courtesy of my friend.
Our Lord and Savior, Jon Snow. He is risen indeed.
Who are you rooting for? Thoughts on this season so far?