Chris is the worst
Last episode we saw Chris being a creeper hanging out over the sleeping forms of Madison and Alicia with a knife. Then when faced with his father, he ran away. Like a total chump. Who does that? Who goes that far and then is like, “Oh shit! Dad’s gonna kill me!” Total. Chump.
Strand’s still killing me
Seriously, watching Strand sit there shattered as Celia loses her mind on him? Ughhhhhhhh. It’s like this show ripped my heart out all over again. Celia kicks everyone out; Strand, Madison, Alicia, and even Nick. The whole crew has to go. Celia talks about how Thomas Abigail was her son and how Strand murdered him. That’s when Strand reminds Celia that Thomas was not her son. Yeah, that one was low blow; Celia didn’t much care for that at all.
Nick goes on a walkabout
Nick is an addict OK. He can’t get his drug of choice during the apocalypse so what should an addict do? Find another obsession. Nick finds peace and in my humble opinion a high when he dons his Walker suit and takes a stroll through the shambling masses. It’s not too much of a surprise when Nick comes back with the recently deceased Luis; Celia’s ACTUAL son. Luis is the families literal mulligan and Celia agrees to let them stay. Except for Strand. He gone.
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This is why I don’t run
Travis took off after Chris, after telling Alicia that she’s pretty much full of shit for saying Chris tried to kill them. The thing is, Chris did try to kill them. He’s pretty terrible like that. Off Travis goes on a wild Chris chase through the Mexican country side. If only there was some way to follow Chris. I mean, it’s not like we have a Daryl to track Chris’ speedy little foot prints. But oh wait, there’s a path of dead Walkers to follow, imagine that.
Poor Travis takes off running in his socks and ends up with two bloody hamburger looking feet. That shit is going to get infected, for reals.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Is it shanking time yet?
Strand is digging Thomas’ grave and I’m pretending not to check Strand out while Daniel is carefully watching everyone around them. Carefully watching everyone and making a shank. God he is SUCH a badass. I’ve always wanted to make a shank. I mean, I *technically* have no need of one, but really who’s to say I won’t one day need to shank someone. I was a girl scout after all, being prepared is the key to success.
Daniel Dreamed A Dream
Poor Daniel, he’s losing it. He has a HORRIBLE dream about Ofelia peeling her face off, and then flips his lid and tries to drag his daughter out of the compound. Whilst doing so, Celia’s crew tries to stop Daniel and well, it’s shanking time! Poor Jorge’s pretty face got cut. It’s cool though Jorge, chick’s dig scars.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
You didn’t see anything
Nick takes it upon himself to go and find Travis and Chris so that his mother will be happy, because Nick is real sweet like that. However, when he finds them
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Everybody is losing it – Don’t drink the water
I have never been to Mexico, but I always heard you’re not supposed to drink the water. Now I know why. That aqua is making people LOSE IT! Daniel’s tied to a chair and having conversations with his dead wife. Celia thinks the Walkers are still alive, and Nick BELIEVES her. Chris is turning into a serious creep, holding guns to kids and threatening the child’s father. Madison calmly locked Celia in the cellar with her precious Walker family. Daniel COMPLETELY loses it and sets fire to the compound and possibly himself. Oh and then Nick gets pissy and decides he’s not going with his mom, sister, Ofelia, and Strand.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Honestly, it must be because they were in Flight or Fight for so long that now that they are on dry land they’re finally getting the chance to freak out about you know, all those dead people walking around. I get it. I know I sometimes need a good chance to totally let go and get all the feels out. That’s why I watch Outlander. I can blame my tears on the shenanigans of Jamie and Claire.
This was the mid-season finale, which is sad because now we won’t know what happened until August twenty first. I have some predictions. I think Alex and Jack are going to show up and maybe ruin everyone’s bad day. Chris is going to kill a lot of people and Travis is going to support his son a la the Governor and his living impaired daughter. Till August my FTWD friends!