What is the Winner’s trilogy about?
Winning what you want may cost you everything you love
They were never meant to be together. As a general’s daughter, seventeen-year-old Kestrel enjoys an extravagant and privileged life. Arin has nothing but the clothes on his back. Then Kestrel makes an impulsive decision that binds Arin to her. Though they try to fight it, they can’t help but fall in love. In order to be together, they must betray their people . . . but to be loyal to their country, they must betray each other. Set in a new world, The Winner’s Curse is a story of rebellion, duels, ballroom dances, wicked rumors, dirty secrets, and games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart. -Amazon.com Summary
Actual live footage of Carrie and I reading The Winner’s Curse:
It’s an emotional ride full of ups and downs. You’re going to alternately love and hate the two main characters at different points. You know what, here, read the first five chapters and tell me you don’t want to know what happens next: The Winner’s Curse Preview.
The world building is lush and beautifully detailed. The characters have depth and complexity. And the kissing, oh the kissing! If Arin isn’t your next book boyfriend, I just don’t know what to say. We probably can’t be friends anymore.
The second installment in the series, The Winner’s Crime, is just as gorgeous, but should come with a warning label: Will tear your heart to shreds. Us at the end of that book:
Marie you have a lot to answer for.
Don’t let that deter you because next week we are getting the third and final book, The Winner’s Kiss. Run, don’t walk! I mean you have the whole weekend, what are you waiting for??
Spoiler Warning. Below Carrie and I will make some predictions about what we think we’ll see in The Winner’s Kiss. So if you don’t want to find out anything that happened in the first two books, stop reading now. (And go buy the first book!)
So The Winner’s Crime left us with Kestrel sent to a work camp in the frozen north and Arin at war with the Empire. How will they make their way back to each other after what Kestrel was forced to do to keep Arin safe? How will they become victorious over the Emperor when the odds are stacked against them? And more importantly when will they finally get to be together and kiss, kiss, kiss a whole bunch?
Carrie’s Predictions:
- Reesha taking out the emperor…and then maybe ditching Varex? He’s kind of…weak.
- A reunion between Roshad and Reesha
- Kestrel and Jess working things out to at least the point where they’re speaking again
- Arin being written into a history book for INVENTING A GUN???
- Kestrel leading a revolt from the work camp
- A lack of boring war scenes, please!
- Kestrel and Arin, married and happy in an epilogue (because I’m a sap)
- An epic make out scene between those two
Lindsey’s Predictions:
- War, war, suffering, war, Oh God so much suffering, more misunderstanding, but wait….
- Reconciliation!!! Kestrel and Arin teaming up against the Empire and using her strategic genius and his gun powder inventions to blow that shit up yo, like completely off the map, just poof in a big ball of smoke, yay freedom!
- Kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing.

What do you think will happen in The Winner’s Kiss? Do you think we will get our HEA? Have you forgiven Marie for the way The Winner’s Crime ended yet? What scene do you most want to see?
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