So Do you recommend it?
Yes. Hell yes. Ultimately, I am so very glad I did the Whole30. I learned a LOT about myself, my habits and how food affects me. I’m still learning (see the reintroduction part below). But I felt GREAT. No, it wasn’t the “Tiger Blood” bursts of energy they talk about (to be fair I’ve had some long 10-12 hour days lately.. maybe the Tiger Blood is what got me through..!), I can’t say I was sleeping better and my skin is just NOW clearing up from a major “I hate you so much Bekah’ break-out early on. And I didn’t FEEL good until 2 weeks in, but now.. I’m nervous to go back to certain foods because I feel so healthy & clean without them (not wine, I’m not talking about wine). It’s JUST 30 days. It feels like forever when you’re in it, but speaking from day 33 now, it flew by!
What was the Hardest part?
Meal planning and cooking was hardest for me. I DO cook. Often. But, I rely on that can of black beans or a sauce half-prepped. I can quickly throw together an amazing pasta dish with REAL NOODLES to pair with my homemade tomato sauce. I had no idea how much I relied on RED WINE VINEGAR. And “prepping” is just not a thing I do. Maybe it’s a skill you develop once you have kids or something, but it’s impossible for me to spend a few hours on a Sunday getting my meals ready for the week.
Food you are surprised you don’t hate
Eggs. Give me eggs in every way (except omelets because ew). I haven’t tired of them yet. Read my Whole30 Survival Guide for what I did eat almost every day.
Best meal you had
Grilled Salmon with a avocado salsa. Oh, man eat this this weekend guys. I had this a few times a week (switched between Salmon & shrimp) by the end!
Good article about the Benefits of Avocados here!
Would you do the Whole30 again?
Yes. I probably will. OR I will find a more vegetarian-version that strives for the same results.
Note about the Whole30: It is VERY similar to Paleo. And if you know anything about Paleo you know that the people who follow it won’t shut up about it it’s very meat-heavy. Whole30 has a similar mindset. They aren’t proponents of a vegetarian lifestyle as they think animal protein is important. I have eaten this way since I was 17 and never plan to stop. I DO eat seafood, mostly for ease when out to eat, and I did find once I started eating MORE seafood this past month, I felt less…. I dunno.. like I was going to fall over in the kitchen for no reason at 7 pm (a thing that almost happened on many occasions). The Whole30 DOES have a “vegetarian” plan which allows for some vegetarian proteins, but it’s not a True Whole30. I did not do this plan. I did the REAL Whole30 with eggs and seafood only.
What wine did you drink on Day 31?
Glad you asked. I ordered my favorite as of late- Tempranillo- and I sent it back. I have never sent back wine. Ever.
So I ended up with a Shiraz that was $18/glass and it was delicious and, yes, I got tipsy fast.
What did it COST?
People complain that the Whole30 increases your grocery bill (You will be making multiple stops a week, most likely) And it did for us, just slightly. We spent about $90 more than we normally do in February over January’s numbers. But overall, because we didn’t eat out (much) or buy alcohol (we bought beer once when we went to a friends) We saved $750.00 this month. I have a full break down or our actual food spending (which I don’t feel good about it) in the Whole30 Survival Guide!
What’s this about the Reintroduction?
So day 30 comes, You can start eating all the bread, cheese and drinking all the wine, RIGHT?
There are two ways to reintroduce foods- slowly or the Fast Track. I choose the fast track, obviously, and had wine AND Legumes on Day 1. You are supposed to do them separately because when, inevitably they hurt your stomach and you end up bloated and “ugh” feeling, you don’t know what did it. Hi. That’s me. I felt TERRIBLE on Day 32 and so I just had wine that night and STILL feel terrible today. So for now, I’m waiting to reintroduce foods and am trying to determine if it really IS the wine or it has something to do with the fact I was graced with that ol’ monthly visitor you can count on every 28 days. I’m hoping it’s the latter. If it ends up being wine, well, it was nice to know you guys. I hope you have enjoyed knowing me and will always remember me as the girl who brought a half-naked cardboard cut out of Robert Pattinson to a movie premiere *Note to Nikki: The ENTIRE cardboard collection better be at my Memorial Service*
What are your tips for starting the Whole30?
I did the Whole30 because I was inspired by watching a friend complain about it. (She eventually loved it!) And… I hoped my complaining would inspire others too, and it has! If you are in any way interested in having a terrible, but worth it 30 days, talk to me! We’re tweeting about it on Twitter, you can e-mail me and I WILL write back! And make sure to check out the detailed “Whole30 Survival Guide” I put together which is all the tips I can think of and actual conversations I’ve had with friends over the past month!