I found out via text message first from some other TN girls. I am an “older” Harry Potter fan, I love Love Actually and I always quote his Sheriff from Robin Hood: “Why a spoon cousin? It’s dull you twit it’ll hurt more,” as often as can. But what I didn’t realize is how sad I’d be. I cried like I knew him, when all I really knew were his characters. I was an adult reading Harry Potter, but I still felt that one of my favorite teachers had died. My coworkers were surprised at how much I cried. I was too, to be honest. I did find an article on Buzzfeed that said it’s okay to be sad about the death of someone I didn’t know.
I didn’t ever get to meet him, but I had an opportunity to see him, which I missed. In 2002, Alan was in the play Private Lives on Broadway. I had tickets to the show on Thursday night and I was so excited! Wednesday morning I prepare breakfast before work and look at my tickets on the fridge. Show date: TUESDAY! I had missed the play! and I was sad. I honestly hadn’t thought about that until yesterday when friends were sharing how good he was or how glad they were they got to see him on stage, on Broadway. Yesterday I was mad at my twenty-something self for missing that opportunity.
All of us at That’s Normal are here because we are dedicated fans of something, books, movies, tv shows, kilts… the list goes on. And so we shared our memories and pulled a few of our posts from social media yesterday as we all dealt with the loss of Hans Gruber, Professor Snape, Harry, the Sheriff of Nottingham and many, many more roles:
My roommate sent me this email yesterday. She gets me.
Did you curl up with an Alan Rickman movie and cry?