Ah, September, you crisp, cool beautiful thing you hot 95 degree east coast weather you. It’s good to see you!
To be honest, I’m not quite ready for summer to be over yet. This summer has been a decent one.
I kicked it off with a family vacation in June and am ending it with a trip to Forks with my bff (Yep, THAT BFF and THAT Forks. Stay tuned to our Instagram) And in between we had SDCC, my sister had a baby (yeah you’re gonna wanna check my Instagram feed) and this summer I’ve started some new healthy morning habits in my life. Let me tell you about a few of them:
I found more Time
Yes- I’ve found myself 6 extra hours in which to be productive each week. HOW you ask? I started working from my home office 2 days a week. My commute was an hour and a half (yes, really) each way, so staying home just 2 days a week means I can get a LOT more done. And they have been REALLY productive days so far!
I’m trying to be Healthier
Despite a knee injury that won’t go away (thanks last run), I’ve been trying to integrate new exercises into my life. I even bought myself a Leaf tracker, and it’s been awesome.
One of the things it helps you do that I haven’t quite mastered YET but plan to this Fall is breathing exercises. They encourage you to do it every morning to kick your day off. Plus the thing BUZZES when you haven’t been active in a while. And as I’m writing this post from a plane stuck next to a belching old man, I expect it to buzz any second telling me to get my ass down to that sweet smelling bathroom and stretch my legs.
Adult Education
I’ve been listening to a podcast which has been incredible and life changing (Seriously, I keep filling my extra 6 hours in the week reading new self-help books I’m buying from the killer interviews she does) and I plan to tell you MUCH more about that soon!
Homemade Cold-Brewed Coffee
Another thing that I started doing this summer that I’m not quite ready to say good-bye to is Iced Coffee- specifically cold-brewed Iced Coffee.
Confession time: I’ve given a lot of money to local and oh-so-amazing coffee shop Reanimator Coffee. I’m really good at making HOT coffee at home, but because nothing is worse than hot coffee on a 1.5 hour commute, I’ve been buying my iced coffee (at $3.50 a pop) almost daily. Someone quick do the math and tell me how many pairs of shoes I’ve drank this summer.
However I’ve discovered that I too can make cold brewed coffee! My favorite recipe is from my friend’s coffee company: One Village Coffee, and I’ve used this French Press recipe from Food 52. But we put together a Cold-Brewed Coffee for Normal People recipe below for you to pin to your hearts content.
While I’ve been drinking my hot coffee black as of lately (cause #thirties), I do enjoy a bit of cream in my Iced Coffee. And a little bit of sweetener never hurt anyone either (especially if you’re not as careful to follow instructions with the cold brew and make it a bit too strong…. )
Cold Brewed Iced Coffee Recipe
I can’t find it in stores yet, but International Delight has a Pumpkin Pie Spice creamer that sounds like it would be the PERFECT combination to add to my not-ready-to-say-good-bye-to-you-yet Morning Iced Coffee. A little Fall with my never-ending Summer!
Try it out! Let me know what you think.
This conversation is sponsored by International Delight. The opinions and text are all mine.