To say that I was skeptical is an understatement. How many times have they revealed A only to have a new character pop up? A lot of times. I figured they’d reveal another level of the mystery only to have a thousand new levels below it as they’ve done in the past. WRONG. They blew my mind, guys. I needed to process my emotions from this roller coaster of an episode and there’s really only one appropriate outlet: Gifs. I’ll try to make this as spoiler free as possible while I fangirl.
When the girls decided to follow Ali instead of waiting for help (also known as the entire premise of this show)
When the girls started to walk into another room that had no visible door handle
When A/Charles finally took off his/her mask
When A started answering questions about what happened in the night Ali disappeared
When I realized the mystery of A was finally over
When the episode ended by jumping five years into the future
This Pretty Little Liars episode was the summer finale I always dreamed of. I can’t wait to watch when Pretty Little Liars returns this winter!
What did you think about the finale? Are you as excited to see the girls 5 years in the future as I am? Tell me in the comments.