Another week, another fun post about our mega crush, Stephen Amell. Last weekend, some of the TN writers had the pleasure of attending the Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con (read: I found out Stephen Amell would be attending and I made sure that Bekah and I were going for at least one day.) Local comic cons can actually have some fantastic panels. In a past Philadelphia Comic Con, I got to experience all of the Star Trek captains at once. It’s hard to top Kirk, Picard, Janeway and more on one stage. Experiencing a Stephen Amell panel is an entirely different beast. I’m a bit addicted to his charm and smile — it can be hypnotic. Don’t worry, it wasn’t all me drooling; I paid attention and had 3 extremely insightful observations.
Top 3 Things I learned at the Stephen Amell Panel
SDCC tricks will not work here
Rather than go to a bunch of different ballrooms and run from one to the other, I took the SDCC approach and settled on one room. We would make our way forward after each panel to hopefully score far front seats. It was a seemingly brilliant plan especially because the other panels were things we actually enjoyed (major girl crush on Hayley Atwell). The biggest flaw to our plan: Those Damn VIP Experience Tickets. Unlike SDCC where everyone is on equal ground, VIPs get upfront priority seating. Not only, do they sit in the first few rows, Stephen Amell had so many VIPs this weekend, that they actually expanded the section. Bekah and I got kicked out of our prime seats and at that point ended up sitting pretty far back. My fangirl heart was crushed. Basically, unlike SDCC you will actually make it into the panel room without having to camp out, but unless you were okay paying for VIP, forget being up close and personal. For some, this is likely not an issue, but for a panel that was going to be live broadcast regardless, I wanted to feel a little special for being there (this is what happens when you realize your fangirl crush is at the next level; someone please save me before I completely embarrass myself.)
Little Kids Love Fart Jokes
It’s always adorable when a kid under the age of 12 asks a question at the panel. The audiences “Awws” at the kid as a typically asks an innocuous question. One kid at this panel was determined to hear Stephen Amell’s side to a fart joke that John Barrowman (CAPTAIN JACK!) told at a different Comic Con. While Stephen attempted to dance around the answer (I mean, his mom was in attendance too,) this kid was not having it. So the story was ellborated upon and pretty much turned into one of those “You had to be there” situations. This was not going to impress Bekah, who has a zero Bro tolerance. Her exact caption on Facebook to a Stephen Amell Photo: “FYI: This guy telling fart jokes makes him less hot. But congrats on your face Stephen.”
There Could be Crossovers Galore in the DC TV Universe
It isn’t the first time that he’s been asked about the possibility of showing up in the DC cinematic universe (the answer is no, they are completely separate), but Stephen again talked about with all the spin offs and other DC shows coming to TV, it’s pretty much a Justice League with all the team ups in the shows. People love crossovers (WE DO!) and he enjoys doing them. He also talked about the possibility of guest starring on Constantine if another network picks it up. It is tough to imagine the heavily demonic world of Constantine mixed with the world of our vigilante. [Side note: While I watched a handful of Constantine episodes, it felt a little too close to the monster of the week, Supernatural vibe. After 10 years of Sam and Dean, plus another trench coat wonder, I guess it felt a little been there, done that.] I personally am hoping for a crossover with the future Supergirl TV show. Hey, the Green Arrow and Cara were totally friends (at least in the cartoon.) Would love to see him actually have a lighthearted friendship (and possibly smiles.)
Until next time at San Diego Comic Con…
Have you been to a local comic con? Are you distracted by Stephen Amell Gifs? Do you want to see more crossovers? Share below!