I have a 9-5 job I go into daily. I do marketing for my dad’s business. We sell hot tubs. It’s as glamorous as it sounds (which is, not at all) and sometimes fun. In late 2013, Nikki and I launched an agency, and we keep plenty busy with clients and growing our business. This is mostly fun. And this ol’ thing you’re currently reading, That’s Normal, takes a little bit of work throughout the week. But that’s majority fun.

Working this much takes a lot of coffee. A lot, a lot of coffee.
With those 3 jobs in my life, there’s always some project to do and something to be working on. And it is my personality to constantly be thinking of what is next. I actually have to remind myself not to work, or check my e-mail, turn off my phone and spend a few minutes relaxing throughout the day.
I have actively been trying to sneak in little breaks through my day. Whether it’s 10 minutes away from my desk every few hours to walk outside or read a chapter while I eat instead of working through lunch, or lighting the candles I bought that cost too much and spending some time sitting outside on my patio, wine glass (or a cup of International Delight Iced Coffee in the hot morning) in hand just… doing nothing… talking with my husband… playing with my cats… laughing at our weird neighbors… and relaxing. And after 10 minutes is up and the timer goes off, I can get back to being a productivity whore!
Just kidding. Kinda. Thinking about Taking Back 10 has actually made some real changes in my life. I downloaded this free time tracking app called Toggl to see exactly how I’m spending my time. And it’s been great to see how much I get done during the week. Also eye opening when I spend WAY MORE time on one activity than I realized. And all those hours in the day when I haven’t logged anything “productive?” I *think* I’ve been doing some relaxing!
And if that 10 minutes turns into 4 episodes of Tim Riggins best work on Friday Night Lights… hey, I’m not telling anyone…
International Delight is encouraging us to Take Back 10 this summer! Join me with them! (And if you have a few minutes after reading this post, check out this site for some addicting activities!) Check out International Delight online:
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What do you do to Take Back 10?
This conversation is sponsored by International Delight. The opinions and text are all mine.