You’d ship that, don’t lie. Source
Anyway, we all (except Bekah) know the Star Wars prequels SUCKED* and that He Who Shall Not Be Named is not referencing Voldemort when it comes to them. The funny thing for me is that I joined tumblr like three months ago and there’s a girl I follow who is into Lokane, but also into Padme-Anakin. So, all these prequel details I’d forgotten/blacked out are being relived. Trust me, you guys, the love story reads exceptionally well in gif format. It’s actually sweet and sad and epic and heartbreaking. Mostly because you don’t have to hear Hayden Christiansen attempt to act. Possibly entirely because of that. I will actually read the dialogue from the gifs in a Tom Hiddleston voice in my head. Also, can you believe that Natalie was 16 when she started doing the films?!
Oh, I went there… yes, my edits:
All of that said, after the first teaser trailer last November, no one has doubted the sequels are going to kick the sorry little disappointing ass of the prequels. Last week we got the SECOND teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII, and HOLY SHIT it was even more awesome!
Watch it now (again because you totally have already seen it, I know):
So, let’s do a quick breakdown, since there isn’t a ton to go on quite yet and there are way nerdier sites than this one having “true fan” discussions about this shit that we’re never gonna compete with because we have not read the novels.
Who Has the Force?
In teaser trailer #1, I thought Finn (John Boyega) did, but in this teaser trailer, I think it’s Rey (Daisy Ridley). But who knows! Maybe it’s Rebel fighter (are they still called that?! Didn’t the war end?!!!) Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac) and they’re just not hinting at that at all? I don’t know.
Some people are saying that they don’t think Rey is related to Luke, but there are some physical similarities to Rey and Padme as well as Rey and Han. So… just saying. Maybe she is Han and Leia’s child? This tumblr post hits it on the head.
Soccer Ball Droid Is A Thing
Everyone seems to really care about this on comment boards. I don’t really care at all though. It is just an R2D2 tag-a-long type character. Why are we breaking this shit down? Yes BB-8 is adorable. I know. But… I need to know it better first before I can form an emotional attachment like I have with R2. (Who is still around yay!!!!!!!!!!)
Also, Luke’s machine hand! Awww.
Harrison Ford STILL Makes me Swoon
Don’t pretend that a little piece of your heart didn’t give a flutter when Han showed up with Chewy on screen.
We Need to Talk About Oscar Isaac
I realize he’s not getting a ton of screen time in these trailers, but we need to talk about this man because he is SMOKING HOT and in a lot of films gaining a bit of attention as of late, including Ex Machina, which I know is all over your Spotify advertising feed right now so don’t pretend you don’t know about it. Basically he’s about to blow up full on and we need to know him more intimately. I am putting out a Union Jack’d type of request for him, even though he is Guatemalan-American, because I don’t have the skill set to do the full breakdown like Amanda does.
SIDENOTE: I did some research real quick and realized that this is the same guy who was in a church group with my old colleague’s friend. He was Joseph in The Nativity Story. Wow. Small world.
I actually don’t mind the prequels. There are a lot of bad things to them, but there are also a lot of moments where you know with different acting or directing, the scene could have been amazing. Like… if Tom Hiddleston (who is the same age as Hayden) or actor skill level equivalent had played Anakin, the whole prequel franchise might have been phenomenal. I mean, other than the obvious lack of the Clone Wars, overload of CGI, horrific rolling in the grass love scene, Darth Maul dying waaaaay too soon, and that wtf Yoda ninja scene, but whatever. Like that chase scene at the beginning of Episode II isn’t too horrible, and when Anakin kills all the children, it’s pretty epic. And Palpatine’s line, “Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?” is basically the best line in the prequels, hands down. It’s like a Game of Thrones scene if you ignore Hayden.
And I actually really like that the trilogy is about how a democracy can become a dictatorship so seamlessly… to thunderous applause, even. The story is good. Maybe tell it in Episode I and II and then let the Clone Wars take up the second half of Episode II and then all of III… Sigh. Anyway, all I know is that I like ewoks and “true Star Wars fans” do not. Maybe they didn’t stop to think about the symbolism of the ewoks though. Then maybe they would get it. Also, ewoks are adorable.