Now, before you belt out “Smelly Cat,” or put on your best Chandler Bing impersonation, I don’t mean Friends.
Put away the pictures of you and your Rachel haircut. The only person to pull it off was a fictional character named Rachel.
I mean one of my favorite shows: New Girl.
Set in LA, the show centers around the loveable and dorktastic Jessica Day, played by my celebrity best friend, Zooey Deschanel- who will one day be my actual best friend and complete the friendship trinity with Jennifer Lawrence- and her roommates: slacker and ex boyfriend Nick, resident douchebag and king of the one liners Schmidt, awkward and self-deprecating Winston, and player in more ways than one Coach. Throw in Jess’ best friend CeCe and you have the makings of a Friends-esque assemble show.
In order to help those who have never seen the show or for those who have and just need to be reminded why this show rocks the universe, here’s a brief guide into the New Girl way of livin’:
According to the ever scholarly Urban Dictionary, adorkable is
“Simply adorable but in the utmost dorky way. Cute. Silly. Funny. Spiff.”
So, this is actually never said in the show. However, the adorkable philosophy is something the show subscribes to and something we all could live by.
How to be adorkable Jessica Day style? Well, grab your J.Crew sweaters, a skirt, some tights, handbells/a triangle/vinyl records, and let your dork flag fly high without a care in the world.
Need further education on the adorkable lifestyle? Here are the GIFs:
Okay, I know this isn’t a GIF. But doesn’t this make you want to scream, “I can do it!” while listening to 1989?
Moonwalking away from awkward situations
It’s happened to all of us at some point. “How old do you think I am?” “Do these pants make my ass look huge?” “Why will no one love me?”
Yep, we’ve been asked the awkward questions. Rather than answer honestly and receive the biblical wrath of others, take a note from New Girl and Nick Miller:
Because who can remember what they were going to ask when face-to-face with mad moonwalking skills.
Need an escape?
Stuck in a boring meeting? Need an excuse to get out of going to your cousin’s fifth wedding that had an invite that declared dress code as being “Optional”? Did your blind date forget his wallet and then ask you back to his apartment to watch his 7th grade talent show performance of “Purple Rain”?
If you answered yes to any of these, then you are in my prayers. When you need to get away, New Girl has your already made excuses.
I usually use this excuse around tax season.
Perfect excuse especially during election time.
What the person doesn’t know is that you’re the acquaintance. So, technically not a lie.
True, unadulterated friendship.
The Douchebag Jar
For old New Girl fans, this running gag has seen little face time this season. And it needs to come back.
Think of a swear jar, only for really douchey comments. And if you have a friend like Schmidt (everyone has a friend like Schmidt), you’ll be rolling in some major one dollar bills by the end of the week. Think of the charities you could donate to. (And by charities, I mean my Julie Needs a New Kate Spade Purse Fund.)
True American
A drinking game that combines the best of America: friendship, presidential knowledge, 8th grade geography, board games, and so much liquor that at the end you declare yourself the Czar of the American Colony of Crazytown.
Okay, so technically the New Girl True American game is completely fictional, and really no one knows how the eff to play it. There are a number of fan sites dedicated to the game and all have different rules.
But that’s what’s great about it: you make up the rules. So grab your friends, open that bottle of scotch you bought because you thought it made you seem sophisticated and cool, and throw away any inhibitions and sense of decency. God bless America and New Girl!
Are you a New Girl fan? Do you let your adorkable flag fly high? Leave us a comment or tweet us your favorite New Girl moment!