Before the rest of you assume we have not watched the show because we live in a cave and/or harbor a deep-seated belief the the government uses cable TV to read and catalog our most intimate thoughts, let me tell you the real reason why we waited: authenticity.
This is so not us . . . most of the time
You heard me! I really hate to pull the “better fan” card*, but some of us are so immersed in the 1743 way of life that we want to experience the series just as Jamie and Claire would have: on DVD 6 months after the original air date.
We are badass
Now, after months of 1743-style waiting, my curiousity will finally be quenched! And just as I harbored a lot of conflicting feelings before the release of Written In My Own Heart’s Blood last year, I am feeling some excitements and dreads in reference to watching the show.
The hair
It is not a secret that Jamie’s hair is a source of great consternation to the fans. While I have experienced it in stills (some of which made me go blind), I am worried about what will happen to my visual receptors when forced to make sense of it in motion.
My tears are real blood
To that end, I have made a handy “good hair template” for use with the DVD material:
Whenever the bad hair is on screen, just hold the template up at arms length to cover the offending coiffage. Voila! Problem solved.
BJR lady boner
Black Jack Randall is a total vile-rapey-scumbag. I read the books, I totally get that. But he’s played by a laughline sporting, too-many-teeth-for-his-mouth-hole (TY Beth) cutie-pie.
I am totally Tobiased, and am a little concerned that during BJR’s “Thin Man“-esque banter with Claire I am going to have inappropriate feelings. Is that okay?
I know!!! I feel shame!
Blurtlander syndrome
I’m a little nervous about watching this series with the husby. I know a lot of husbands are really into the show for some reason (*cough* naked times). Unfortunately, my attempts to “expand my husband’s horizons and bring profound meaning to his life” by involving him in my Sleepy Hollow addiction will most likely be characterized as “spousal abuse through subjection to inane plots and mentally damaging historical characterizations” on the divorce paperwork. And I’m not sure I can afford the alimony if I give him more ammo.
More Frank!
I am super excited about this!!! One sentiment I’ve seen expressed on the twitters is that by giving Frank more story, it makes Claire seem like kind of a dick for cheating on him. To which I say:
I’ve always thought Claire gets off a little easy (that’s what he said!) in the books for just dumping Frank like yesterday’s underwear. And everyone is always like “but Frank might have cheated!” And “Jamie is just too hot to resist!” To which I say:
All star in hilarious freaking gifs, that is!
Just think back to Claire’s and Frank’s first meeting out on a desert archeological site. She was a young wild-child wanderer, and he, a sexy, young scholar in crisp white shirt sleeves rolled up against the desert heat to reveal lean, strong forearms. A cool drink of man in the middle of an endless barren landscape – um, excuse me while I imaginary make out with 28 year-old “Indiana Jones” Frank . . .
I finally get to see the sexing!!!
There’s gonna be a little of this:
And a little of that:
And a whole lot of this:
‘Nuff said.
So c’mon fellow luddites “better fans” – grab your tin-foil hats, order your Outlander Season 1 Volume 1 DVDs here, and join in the fun!
*That is a lie. I love it.